This Repository provides my Computer Vision Projects & Tips and Tricks & Implemenations and more 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
This Reposirory will contains main two Folders: (TensorFlow and PyTorch) for both major Frameworks for Deep Learning
📝📚 01- Basics_Image_Representations
📝📚 02- ANN & Sequential & Functional API & TensorBoard
📝📚 03- Tips & Tricks_Training_DNN
📝📚 04- CNN_for_ComputerVision
📝📚 05- CNN & Video_Tips_and_Tricks
📝📚 06- CNN_with & without_Data_Augmentation
📝📚 07- Transfer_Learning_FeatureExtraction_FineTuning
📝📚 08- Visualizing_what_CNN_learns
📝📚 09- Semantic_Segmentation_UNet_CAMVID_Dataset
📝📚 10- Semantic_Segmentation_UNet_CAMVID_version_2