The Telco customer churn data contains information about a fictional telco company that provided home phone and Internet services to 7043 customers in California in Q3. It indicates which customers have left, stayed, or signed up for their service. Multiple important demographics are included for each customer, as well as a Satisfaction Score, Churn Score, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) index.
CustomerID: A unique ID that identifies each customer.
Gender: The customer’s gender: Male, Female
Senior Citizen: Indicates if the customer is 65 or older: Yes, No
Partner :
Dependents: Indicates if the customer lives with any dependents: Yes, No. Dependents could be children, parents, grandparents, etc.
Tenure in Months: Indicates the total amount of months that the customer has been with the company
PhoneService : Phone Service: Indicates if the customer subscribes to home phone service with the company: Yes, No
Multiple Lines: Indicates if the customer subscribes to multiple telephone lines with the company: Yes, No
Internet Service: Indicates if the customer subscribes to Internet service with the company: No, DSL, Fiber Optic, Cable.
Online Security: Indicates if the customer subscribes to an additional online security service provided by the company: Yes, No
Online Backup: Indicates if the customer subscribes to an additional online backup service provided by the company: Yes, No
Device Protection Plan: Indicates if the customer subscribes to an additional device protection plan for their Internet equipment provided by the company: Yes, No
Tech Support: Indicates if the customer subscribes to an additional technical support plan from the company with reduced wait times: Yes, No
Streaming TV: Indicates if the customer uses their Internet service to stream television programing from a third party provider: Yes, No. The company does not charge an additional fee for this service.
Streaming Movies: Indicates if the customer uses their Internet service to stream movies from a third party provider: Yes, No. The company does not charge an additional fee for this service.
Contract: Indicates the customer’s current contract type: Month-to-Month, One Year, Two Year.
Paperless Billing: Indicates if the customer has chosen paperless billing: Yes, No
Monthly Charge: Indicates the customer’s current total monthly charge for all their services from the company.
Total Charges: Indicates the customer’s total charges, calculated to the end of the quarter specified above.
- Churn : Customers who left within the last month