Migration tool from Qmetry (https://www.qmetry.com) to Squash (https://www.squashtest.com)
- mvn clean compile assembly:single This will generate a fat jar with all dependencies
- java -jar QmetryMigrator--jar-with-dependencies.jar /PATH/TO/QMETRY/TestCases.xlsx
Where /PATH/TO/QMETRY/TestCases.xlsx is the full path for the exported test cases in Excel format, make sure that the path does not contain spaces or put the path between quotes ""
java -jar QmetryMigrator--jar-with-dependencies.jar /PATH/TO/QMETRY/Requirements.xlsx RQ
- Where /PATH/TO/QMETRY/Requirements.xlsx is the full path for the exported requirements in Excel format, make sure that the path does not contain spaces or put the path between quotes ""
- RQ to know to the content of the Excel and export it to requirements