🌟 Welcome to the University Database Management System (UDMS) 🌟
This comprehensive database management system is designed to streamline administrative tasks in educational institutions, providing an intuitive interface for managing student, course, and departmental data.
- Database Design: The structure of the database is carefully designed to efficiently store and retrieve data.
- SQL Implementation: SQL queries are used for data manipulation and retrieval.
- PLSQL Implementation: Advanced database operations are performed using PLSQL functions, procedures, and triggers.
- Bash Scripting: Automation scripts are implemented using bash shell scripting for tasks such as automated database backups and disk space monitoring.
- Java Development: The graphical user interface (GUI) is developed using JavaFX, Scene Builder, and follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
- Student: Stores student information like name, GPA, hometown, email, and more.
- Department: Details about departments, including the department name, head, and contacts.
- Course: Lists courses offered, with unique ID numbers, credit hours, and enrollment limits.
- Student-Course: Tracks student enrollment in courses.
- Grade & Evaluation: Record grade points, status, and evaluations.
- Update Evaluation & CGPA: Updates student grades and recalculates CGPA.
- Course Average GPA: Computes average GPA for a course.
- Delete Course & Department: Handles deletion and cascading data removal.
- Student Data Handling: Ensures data consistency during deletions and unenrollments.
- Automatic Enrollment & Data Assignment: Simplifies enrollment and data population.
- Generate Evaluation Date: Adds random dates based on semester.
- Backup Script: Automated backups using Oracle Data Pump.
- Disk Space Monitoring: Monitors and alerts about disk space usage.
- Database Connection: Establishes connection using Oracle JDBC driver.
- Data Transfer Objects: Structured representation of tables in the database.
- University Package: Management of various functionalities like student, course, evaluation, and reports.
- Validation and Anomalies Checks: Handles data validation and anomaly detection.
For a more detailed description of the project and its features, please check the full case study. Thank you for your interest!
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ahmedhattem11/University-Database-Management-System.git
- Open the project in your IDE
- Run the application
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request. Contributions are always welcome! 🌟