This project focuses on a real life case study which is developing an Ethereum smart contract to manage a burger store. This case study can be adopted for various cases to use smart contract for real-life businesses. For more info, you can check related medium post.
Basicaly the smart contract, which is developed in this project, provides:
- The functions for customers: Order burger, safe payment, get invoice and mark order as delivered functions.
- The functions for burger store: Get orders, send price, send invoice and safe payout functions.
This repository presents practices about:
- Setup a blockchain.
- Develop Ethereum smart contract.
- Deploy the contract and test it.
Basically there are 3 components in this project which are:
Component | Explanation |
Burger Store | Deploys the contract and owns it. |
Customers | Can order burgers to buy them. |
Smart Contract | Provides safe and robust contract that are immutable. |
And here is given below a business flow chart which explains a sample flow for the usage of this smart contract.
There are a bunch of functions are implemented in this case study. This functions can be adopted for any other business cases. Here are the functions and their details.
- sendOrder: Function to send order. Only customers can use this function.
- checkOrder: Function to check orders.
- sendPrice: Function to send price. Only the owner (Burger Store which deploys this Smart Contract) can use this function.
- sendSafePayment: Function to send safe payment. Only customers can use this function.
- sendInvoice: Function to send invoice. Only the owner can use this function.
- getInvoice: Function to get invoice.
- markOrderDelivered: Function to mark the order as delivered. Only customers can use this function.
And, here are the events are triggered for the activities:
- OrderSent: Event triggers when order sent.
- PriceSent: Event triggers when price sent.
- SafePaymentSent: Event triggers when safe payment sent.
- InvoiceSent: Event triggers when invoice sent.
- OrderDelivered: Event triggers when order delivered.
The functions and events can be modified and used for any other business logic requirements.
First, clone the repository and build the project using truffle by this command:
truffle build
After building the project and starting ganache which provides ethereum blockchain network on your local, our smart contract can be deployed using truffle by this command:
truffle migrate --reset
We can use developed unit test class to perform unit testing:
truffle test
If you use this code for your publications, please cite it as:
author = "Ahmet Özlü",
title = "A Case Study: Ethreum Smart Contract for Managing a Burger Store",
year = "2021",
url = ""
Ahmet Özlü
This system is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.