This is the course project for COMP515 - Distributed Systems. As a team of 2: Erhan Tezcan & Ahmet Uysal, we implemented hashgraph in Golang.
Hashgraph is a patented algorithm which is developed by Leemon Baird, the co-founder and CTO of Swirlds, in 2016. This project is developed solely for education purposes to better understand how Hashgraph works. You find the original papers we used for our implementation in our report.
There are two applications located under cmd
contains a distributed ledger application that is built upon Hashgraph algorithm.
You can rundledger
by$ go run main.go PORT_NUMBER
. Note that this application retrieves the peer information frompeers.txt
contains a visualization application that shows the current state of Hashgraph in realtime.ui
is built usinggo-astilectron
. You can checkgo-astilectron
repository to get more information about installation and running.