The dataset consist of information obtained from the shopping behaviors of customers who made their last purchases from FLO as OmniChannel(both online and offline) in the years 2020-2021
FLO is planning to launch a new women's shoe brand. The price of the new brand exceeds the general customer preferences.
For this reason, customers fitting the profile and who may be interested in the brand promotion are kindly requested
to be contacted privately.From our loyal customers (champions, loyal_customers), those who make purchases
in the women's category with an average of 250 TL or more will be contacted privately.
master_id: Unique customer number
order_channel : Which channel was used to shop (Android, ios, Desktop, Mobile, Offline)
last_order_channel : The channel where the last purchase was made
first_order_date : The first order date made by the customer
last_order_date : The last order date made by the customer
last_order_date_online : The last order date made by the customer online
last_order_date_offline : The last order date made by the customer offline
order_num_total_ever_online : The total number of orders ever made by the customer online
order_num_total_ever_offline : The total number of orders ever made by the customer offline
customer_value_total_ever_offline : The total amount of money spent by the customer offline
customer_value_total_ever_online : The total amount of money spent by the customer online