This is my personal GitHub repo for the 100-days-JavaScript Challenge. It contains daily coding exercises to improve my skills, tracks my progress, and has resources for learning. It's a valuable tool for my growth as a JavaScript developer.
Welcome to my personal GitHub repository for the 100-days-JavaScript Challenge! This repository contains daily coding exercises and projects that I'm working on to improve my JavaScript skills. I've created this repository to track my progress and keep a record of my learning journey. Additionally, I've included helpful resources and links to external tutorials to enhance my learning experience.
To get started with the 100-days-JavaScript Challenge, simply clone this repository to your local machine and start coding! Each day, you'll find a new coding exercise or project to work on. You can keep track of your progress by committing your changes to the repository and using the Issues tab to track your completed days.
In addition to the daily coding exercises and projects, I've included a variety of resources to help you enhance your learning experience. These resources include:
- Reference guides for JavaScript syntax and concepts
- Links to external tutorials and resources for further learning
- Tips and best practices for JavaScript development
If you're interested in joining the 100-days-JavaScript Challenge, feel free to fork this repository and start coding! You can also join the official challenge on social media using the hashtag #100DaysOfJavaScript. Happy coding!
Ahsan Ali