Starcraft 2 replays auto observer inspired by the SSCAIT-ObserverModule.
The Sc2AutoObserver is used to view replays on the SC2 AI Arena 24/7 livestream
- Download (the password is iagreetotheeula) at least one of the following map packs:
- Put the downloaded maps into the Maps folder (create it if the folder doesn't exist):
- Windows: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Maps
- OS X: /Applications/StarCraft II/Maps
Download and install CMake >= 3.10.
A compiler with C++17 support.
Install Google test >= 1.10.0
Windows: Download and install Visual Studio
OS X: Install XCode.
:: Clone the project.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd sc2autoobserver
:: Create build directory.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
:: Generate VS solution.
$ cmake ../ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
:: Build the project using Visual Studio.
$ start Observer.sln
:: Launch the observer.
$ bin/Observer.exe --Path "<Path to a single SC2 replay or directory with replay files>" --Speed <Replay speed>`
# Clone the project.
$ git clone --recursive && cd sc2autoobserve
# Create build directory.
$ mkdir build && cd build
# Generate a Makefile.
# Use 'cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../' if debuginfo is needed
# Debug build also contains additional debug features and chat commands support.
$ cmake ../ -G Xcode
# Build the project using Xcode.
$ open Observer.xcodeproj/
# Launch the observer.
$ ./bin/Observer --Path "<Path to a single SC2 replay or directory with replay files>" --Speed <Replay speed>`
To load replays from older an older SC2 version, one should additionally specify game version hash and path to the older SC2 executable, e.g. for 4.10 version:
$ bin/Observer.exe --Path "C:\Users\lladdy\Documents\358809_TyrZ_DoogieHowitzer_IceandChromeLE.SC2Replay" -- -d "B89B5D6FA7CBF6452E721311BFBC6CB2" -e "D:\\StarCraft II\Versions\Base75689\SC2.exe"
$ ./bin/Observer --Path "/Users/alkurbatov/Downloads/358809_TyrZ_DoogieHowitzer_IceandChromeLE.SC2Replay" -- -d "B89B5D6FA7CBF6452E721311BFBC6CB2" -e "/Applications/StarCraft II/Versions/Base75689/"
Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel K�hntopp
Licensed under the MIT license.