Math problem API created in Python using Flask, SQL Alchemy, and a PostgreSQL database. Webservice and database are hosted on Render.
Example JSON Data:
"prompt" : "12 x 7 = ",
"answer" : "84",
"value" : 1.3
HTML webpage with single practice problem of the form "a x b = "
HTML webpage with single practice problem of the form "a + b = "
List of all questions answered so far as a JSON Example: TBD
JSON List of users ordered by total points accumulated Example JSON Data:
"clan": "some-clan",
"message": "Math is fun!",
"numQuizzes": 6,
"points": "89.5",
"totalAttempted": 75,
"totalCorrect": 73,
"totalQuestions": 75,
"user": "testUser123"
"clan": "noclan",
"message": "Why is 0! = 1?",
"numQuizzes": 3,
"points": "64.2",
"totalAttempted": 30,
"totalCorrect": 24,
"totalQuestions": 30,
"user": "anotherUser"
}, ...