This repository contains the documentation available at readthedos
The documentation is written in RestructuredText markup syntax. You can view the syntax here or by visiting an online editor.
The documentation is compiled to an html website using the Sphinx Python Documentation Generator You have to download the code and have the proper tools installed in order to build the documentation. See section below How to start using windows for an intro guide of the tools that you will need to install.
Every time a push is made to the repository's branch latest, a trigger is build at readthedocs. Readthedocs is responsible for a) hosting the generated documentation for free b) automatically building the documentation when a change is pushed at Github
- Download the latest version of the code to your local pc (via git clone or git pull)
- Make changes to the code to your local pc
- Compile the documentation everytime you make changes, to make sure any RestructuredText mistakes are corrected
- Push the code back to github
- If the code is pushed to the latest branch, a built will be automatically triggered resulting into a new released version of the documentation
- Online editor can help you get familiar with the syntax
- ReStructuredText intro has all the available syntax commands
- Sphinx Themes Gallery has a list of themes that can be used to build the documentation
- Sphinx documentation Generator contains information about how to compile and build the documentation
This guide assumes that you have minor experience to github. It will help you install
- The development tools required in order to build the documentation
- A github client
- An editor to write the documentation along with the required dependencies (python and Sphinx related packages)
Install Python
Install Visual Studio Code
Install python extension at Visual Studio code (when asked open the link directly via Visual Studio code) Install restructuredtext extension at Visual Studio code Install reStructuredText Syntax highlighting at Visual Studio code
Install Github desktop sign in with your github account and select the aiondemand project
On visual studio code open the project
Create a virtual environment d
python -m venv .venv
Follow the instructions and select the virtual environment (.venv)
Install sphinx in this environment. On visual studio code opent the Terminal and run the command:
pip install -U sphinx
(notice that you have to be inside the .venv virtual environment. )
Install the theme:
pip install -U sphinx_rtd_theme
Make sure the sphinx path is set at visual studio code This will allow the extension to display a live preview of your changes
Setting the sphinx-build command:
Keyword shortcut ctrl+k ctrl+r opens live preview
Alternative you can also run the following command, to trigger the documentation build manually:
.\docs\make.bat html