AI CUP 2020 - Chord Recognition Competition Website
- Hardware:
- CPU:i7-9700
- GPU:RTX 2070
- Software:
- Cuda:cuda_11.0.2_451.48_win10
- cuDNN:cudnn-11.0-windows-x64-v8.0.4.30
- TensorFlow:tensorflow-2.4.0
:Observe training data through CMD.
:Observe training data much more conveniently by matplotlib.
:Comprehend the principle of scoring method & implement the scoring program.
:Preprocess the training data into the input data for models.
:Start building the fisrt version model.
:Including all required mapping dictionaries of input data Y for the first version model. These mapping dictionaries concludes 544 possible input data Ys in training data -- "CE200".
:Modularize models & rename it to one-frame-input predicting model.
:Start building the second version model, which can use multiple frames as input data X.
:Divide input data X during preprocessing, which significantly improved the accuracy.
p.s. So far, I always input "random 40% part of one song" to predict "answers of the rest 60% part of the song". The oneFrameModel's accuracy is about 80%, and the multiFrameModel can achieve 99.9%. I then realized that this is an incorrect predicting method in the next step.
:Extends the conception of multiple-frame input & dividing input data X. Changing predicting pattern from "60% for a song -> answers of the rest 40%" to "60% songs -> the rest 40% songs". Ex: There are 20 songs in CE200_sample, so I will choose 8 songs as training data, and the rest 12 songs are for validation data. After changing, the accuracy drops to 45%.
:Adopt new mapping dictionary which only contains scoring data Ys. Accuracy raise from 45% to 50%.
:Adjust the time of preprocessing to the instant before inputting data X. This significantly reduce the time for data reading & the GPU's RAM usage.
- Got the 9th place.
- The 1st place used the model in this paper.
- The second place used the same model with me, but more preprocess & Post-processing.
- Review: It seems like that information in data are much more important than the architecture of the model. Maybe I should do feature extraction on my own in the next time.