npm install react-pgn-viewer --save
import PgnViewer from 'react-pgn-viewer'
class Example1 extends React.Component {
htmlModification = (node) => {
render() {
return (
nodeToModify='pre code'
{'<pgn>1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4'</pgn>}
import PgnViewer from 'react-pgn-viewer'
class Example2 extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4
For viewing partial pgns or a singular FEN position, add these modifiers to the pgn text
Modifier | Explanation |
[StartAtMove "8"] | This will skip the first 7 moves and start immediately at move 8. Must be a whole number. |
[EndAtMove "15"] | This will cut off the game after move 15 and must be used in combination with StartAtMove. Must be a whole number. |
[Fen "10w"] | Fen cannot be used with StartAtMove or EndAtMove because it is one position. This shows move 10 after white moved so it will be blacks move |
[Fen "15b"] | This shows the position after Black moved in 15. It will be whites move. |
The icons use font-awesome 4 CSS. If you aren't already using that, simply put the cdn in the head of your html
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"
integrity="sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin="anonymous">
This library uses reactjs-chessboard for the board logic and display and it shares many props.
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
innerHTML | boolean | true | if true, will parse the pgn elements. If false, will make only one pgn from a text string |
nodeToModify | string | N/A | HTML element that should be modified by nodeModification . Only applicable if innerHTML is true. |
nodeModification | function | N/A | instructions for modify different HTML elements besides <pgn> . Only applicable if innerHTML is true. |
backgroundColor | string | #e1e5ed | background of the entire viewer |
blackSquareColor | string | SteelBlue | color of the dark squares |
whiteSquareColor | string | AliceBlue | color of the light squares |
orientation | string | 'w' | board orientation |
width | string (%) or number (px) | 600 | Width of the board and move list. The board will be 2/3rds of the width. |
showCoordinates | boolean | true | should show coordinates along the A file and first Rank |
To run the examples:
npm install
npm run dev
Then open localhost:8000
in a browser.
Tested with React 16.3