This repository contains a visual studio solution with the following projects.
SVS2TIFF This project contains the application and required binaries
SVS2TIFF-Setup This project contains Wix setup project to make msi installer for windows.
- SVS2TIFF project requires .NET framework 4.7, NetVips 2.2.0 and libvips binaries.
- Binaries for libvips ( are included in the libvips directory of the SVS2TIFF project. Add libvips binaries to Path or to the same directory as the SVS2TIFF executable
- SVS2TIFF-Setup requires Wix Toolset V3.x installed on the system. Add Wix Toolset to Path.
- Build the SVS2TIFF-Setup project to make msi installer.
Please download the most current version of SVS2TIFF from the releases tab in GitHub. The msi installer will install SVS2TIFF with the included libvips binaries.
- Use SVS2TIFF to convert Aperio SVS files to TIFF or OME-TIFF (.ome.tif).
- Select the type of compression for the converted files (i.e. lzw, jpeg, jp2k) or leave it "none" for uncompressed data.
- Check "Write OME-TIFF" check box to write files that are readable by BioFormats and hence are compatible with QuPath with additional steps.
- Writing OME-TIFF with compression may require you to set the BigTIFF flag to true (check the BigTIFF check box)
Please contact Ajay Zalavadia at Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic if you would like to contribute to the SVS2TIFF file converter.