This project involves analyzing and predicting stock prices using the AAPL dataset. The dataset contains historical stock prices of Apple Inc. (AAPL). The main goal is to build and evaluate a deep learning model to forecast future stock prices.
- Source: Historical stock price data for Apple Inc. (AAPL)
- Features: symbol, date, close, high, low, open, volume, adjClose, adjHigh, adjLow, adjOpen, adjVolume, divCash, splitFactor
- Data Processing: Normalization and reshaping for model input
- Type: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) Neural Network
- Architecture:
- 3 LSTM layers
- 1 Dense layer for output
Data Preprocessing:
- Normalize the data
- Split data into training and testing sets
Model Training:
- Define and compile the LSTM model
- Train the model with historical data
- Forecast future stock prices for the next 30 days
- Combine historical and predicted data for visualization
- Plot historical and predicted stock prices
- Include labels and figure size adjustments for clarity