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Ajuna Network Pallet MatchMaker

This is a instantiable matchmaker Substrate pallet which lives as its own crate so it can be imported into multiple runtimes.


This pallet acts as a matchmaker for pairing players to match each other.



This pallet does not depend on any externally defined traits.


This pallet does not depend on any other FRAME pallet or externally developed modules.


Runtime Cargo.toml

To add this pallet to your runtime, simply include the following to your runtime's Cargo.toml file:

# external pallets
pallet-matchmaker = {default-features = false, version = '3.0.0', git = '', tag = 'monthly-2021-10' }

and update your runtime's std feature to include this pallet:

std = [
    # --snip--


You should implement it's trait like so:

AmountPlayers, amount of players need to create a match. AmountBrackets, amount of brackets that exists for ranking or other purpose.

parameter_types! {
	pub const AmountPlayers: u8 = 2;
	pub const AmountBrackets: u8 = 3;

impl pallet_matchmaker::Config for Test {
	type Event = Event;
	type AmountPlayers = AmountPlayers;
	type AmountBrackets = AmountBrackets;

and include it in your construct_runtime! macro:

MatchMaker: pallet_matchmaker::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event<T>},

Genesis Configuration

This matchmaker pallet does not have any genesis configuration.


Additional types used in the matchmaker pallet

  "MatchingType": {
    "_enum": [
  "PlayerStruct": {
    "account": "AccountId"

Reference Docs

You can view the reference docs for this pallet by running:

cargo doc --open