RcppDeepState, a simple way to fuzz test compiled code in Rcpp packages. This package extends the DeepState framework to fully support Rcpp based packages.
Note: RcppDeepState is currently supported on Linux and macOS, with windows support in progress.
The RcppDeepState blog to know more about the working of RcppDeepState.
First, make sure to install the following dependencies on your local machine.
- CMake
- GCC and G++ with multilib support
- Python 3.6 (or newer)
- Setuptools
Use this command line to install the dependencies.
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib cmake python3-setuptools libffi-dev z3
The RcppDeepState package can be installed from GitHub as follows:
To test your package using RcppDeepState follow the steps below:
All these files generated are stored in inst/test files in your test package.
(a) deepstate_harness_compile_run: This function creates the TestHarnesses for all the functions in the test package with the corresponding makefiles. This function compiles and runs all those TestHarnesses that are created above and test your code for errors/bugs and stores the results in logfiles.
It gives a list of functions that are successfully compiled in the package:
>[1] "rcpp_read_out_of_bound" "rcpp_use_after_deallocate"
[3] "rcpp_use_after_free" "rcpp_use_uninitialized"
[5] "rcpp_write_index_outofbound" "rcpp_zero_sized_array"
(b) deepstate_harness_analyze_pkg: This function analyzes each binary crash/fail file generated and provides a list of error messages and the inputs passed on to the function. The generated log files are stored in the respective crash file folder along with the inputs i.e inst/function/12abc.crash/valgrind_log
result = RcppDeepState::deepstate_harness_analyze_pkg("~/R/RcppDeepState/inst/testpkgs/testSAN")
The result contains a data table with three columns: binary.file,inputs,logtable
> head(result,2)
1: /home/akolla/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/RcppDeepState/testpkgs/testSAN/inst/testfiles/rcpp_read_out_of_bound/rcpp_read_out_of_bound_output/0001957a365ef90344a992e32cc2d49d4aedf572.crash
2: /home/akolla/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/RcppDeepState/testpkgs/testSAN/inst/testfiles/rcpp_read_out_of_bound/rcpp_read_out_of_bound_output/0001b796162c8cd4b00f4b7ccf165b55b566cfce.crash
inputs logtable
1: <list[1]> <data.table[2x5]>
2: <list[1]> <data.table[1x5]>
The inputs column contains all the inputs that are passed:
> result$inputs[[1]]
[1] 437585945
The logtable has the data table with a list of errors:
> result$logtable[[1]]
err.kind message file.line
1: InvalidRead Invalid read of size 4 src/read_out_of_bound.cpp : 7
1: Address 0x11eecf884 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
1: No Address Trace found
Before testing your package using RcppDeepState, we need to make sure that RcppDeepState is working correctly. To do so please make sure to check if RcppDeepState::deepstate_fuzz_fun_analyze() produces the same results as expected.
For example, when we run the function rcpp_write_index_outofbound:
> fun_path <- file.path(path,"inst/testfiles/rcpp_write_index_outofbound")
> seed_analyze<-deepstate_fuzz_fun_analyze(fun_path,1603403708,5)
> seed_analyze
err.kind message file.line
1: InvalidWrite Invalid write of size 4 src/write_index_outofbound.cpp : 8
1: Address 0x2707127c is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
1: No Address Trace found
Now RcppDeepState makes it easy to use RcppDeepState on Travis-CI.
deepstate_ci_setup: This function edits your .travis.yml file or creates one if it doesn't exist with the necessary packages and environment variables and now push your updated code to GitHub and check the Travis build for the test package for results.