- swiftui
- combine
- the composable architecture ( https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture )
- web3swift v3.0.6 ( https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift )
- alamofire ( https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire )
- ethereum
- goerli
- geth ( https://geth.ethereum.org/ )
- solidity v0.8.17
- hardhat ( https://hardhat.org/ )
- open zeppelin ( https://openzeppelin.com/ )
- infura ( https://infura.io/ )
- connect private net by geth
- connect test net of goerli
- create private key
- import private key
- export private key
- get ether balance
- send ether
- register erc20 token
- get erc20 token balance
- send erc20 token
- fetch all transactions related by my address
- 0xB52aC86527317f5A11A762bf46AC279C00c5cb9D(ST)