Laravel Mpesa Multivendor Package by Akika Digital
This Laravel package provides convenient methods for integrating Mpesa Daraja API's functionalities into your Laravel application. The package will allow using more than one shortcodes. It also includes the recent Tax Remmitance and Bill Manager APIs.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require akika/laravel-mpesa-multivendor
After installing the package, publish the configuration file using the following command:
php artisan mpesa:install
This will generate a mpesa.php file in your config directory where you can set your Mpesa credentials and other configuration options.
Add the following configurations into the .env file
The value is either production
or sandbox
NOTE: The mpesa.php config file sets the default MPESA_ENV
value to sandbox
. This will always load sandbox urls.
All responses, except the token generation response, conform to the responses documented on the daraja portal.
use Akika\LaravelMpesaMultivendor\Mpesa;
$mpesa = new Mpesa($mpesaShortcode, $consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $apiUsername, $apiPassword);
- $mpesaShortcode: The shortcode to use for the current operation
- $consumerKey: Obtained from Daraja portal
- $consumerSecret: Obtained from Daraja portal
- $apiUsername: Mpesa portal API user's username
- $apiPassword: Mpesa portal API user's password
Daraja utilizes the two main urls for callbacks. Timeout Url and Result Url. The two urls will also be used in this package as follows:
- $resultUrl : Endpoint to send the results in case of success
- $timeoutUrl : Endpoint to send the results in case of operations timeout
You can fetch the token required for Mpesa API calls as follows:
$token = $mpesa->getToken();
You can fetch mpesa account balance as follows:
$balance = $mpesa->getBalance($resultUrl, $timeoutUrl);
You can register validation and confirmation URLs for C2B transactions:
$response = $mpesa->c2bRegisterUrl($confirmationUrl, $validationUrl);
#### Simulating C2B Transactions
You can simulate payment requests from clients:
$response = $mpesa->c2bSimulate($amount, $phoneNumber, $billRefNumber, $commandID);
- $commandID is either
and if not set, the package will assumeCustomerPayBillOnline
You can initiate online payment on behalf of a customer:
$response = $mpesa->stkPush($accountNumber, $phoneNumber, $amount, $callbackUrl, $transactionDesc);
can be null
You can query the result of a STK Push transaction:
$response = $mpesa->stkPushStatus($checkoutRequestID);
You can reverse a C2B M-Pesa transaction:
$response = $mpesa->reverse($transactionId, $amount, $receiverShortCode, $remarks, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl, $ocassion);
is an optional field
You can perform Business to Customer transactions:
$response = $mpesa->b2cTransaction($oversationId, $commandID, $msisdn, $amount, $remarks, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl, $ocassion);
is an optional field.
You can perform Business to Business transactions:
$response = $mpesa->b2bPaybill($destShortcode, $amount, $remarks, $accountNumber, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl, $requester);
is an optional field.
You can generate QR codes for making payments:
$response = $mpesa->dynamicQR($merchantName, $refNo, $trxCode, $cpi, $size, $amount = null);
is an optional field
You can optin to the bill manager service and send invoices:
$response = $mpesa->billManagerOptin($email, $phoneNumber, $sendReminders, $logoUrl, $callbackUrl);
is a boolean field. Allows true or false
$response = $mpesa->sendInvoice($reference, $billedTo, $phoneNumber, $billingPeriod, $invoiceName, $dueDate, $amount, $items);
You can remit tax to the government:
$response = $mpesa->taxRemittance($amount, $receiverShortCode, $accountReference, $remarks, $resultUrl, $timeoutUrl);
The Laravel Mpesa package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.