Based on the open source smartwatch project Open-Smartwatch by Paul's 3D Things. The rugged box is designed after this thingiverse project Check out my twitter thread about the build.
- Fix button placements. (Buttons are in wrong order)
- add female connector for battery, soldering is really unpleasent at that point of the assembly.
- buy some other micro stepper motor such as this geared one and a female connector for it.
- find schematic and footprint of the afformentioned female connector for the board, and order new pcb.
- 3d design of the new motor & release mechanism
- finish osw firmware extension for motor control (didn't check it in, not required at this point)
- Fix rugged box design. (Current design cannot fit the straps and only has two dart holders) Also gotta fix my 3d printer to print another one..
Check out Paul's instagram page, he has designed an awesome new watch. Ultimately and hopefully, I will also switch to the new board design. I dont know which changes are going to be included when, but I have some plans.
- switch micro-USB for waterproof 4 pin connector
- switch buttons for some waterproof alternative, maybe seperate pcb touch buttons?
- waterproof design with O-rings and stuff, don't really know how yet..
- Induction Charging option
Currently there is a fully plastic test dart, and one that can be fashioned out of a M3 allen key. Depending on multiple build desicions, you can really end up hurting someone with the metal dart. This should go without saying, but I (and Paul) obviously do not accept any responsibility, I never do..
Also going to visit a local magic shop for guidance about trick darts. Magic is all about deception, most spygear too.. So maybe I might build some pyro, flash or smoke darts. Can also build an injector dart. I looked closely to my Covid vaccine injector, it can fit inside the chamber but there is no way that it can be useful.