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Countries Information

This package provides the information related the countries.The following informations are:

  • Country name
  • Country capital
  • Country currency
  • Contient
  • Language
  • Currency
  • Flag


Demo link


npm i get-all-country-info


import {
} from "get-all-country-info";

console.log(getAllCountriesNames()) // get all countries name

console.log(getAllCountriesCallingCode()) // get all countries calling code

console.log(getAllIsoCodes()) // get all countries iso code

// To use getCountryInfo pass the following object as parameter

const paramObject = {
  methodType: keyword, // Required Keyword can be found in the Keywords table 
  attributes: empty or country name


// getCountryInfo function can be implemented in three ways

// 1. Put methodType = Keyword, attributes = empty or country name
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for 
//          a particular country(if attributes value is non-empty) and for all 
//          countries (if attributes value is empty)

const options = {
  methodType: "COUNTRY_NAMES",
  attributes: ""
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get all countries name

// 2. Put methodType = array of keywords, attributes = country name
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for a
//          particular country
const options = {
  attributes: "India"
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get continent and country code of the country

// 3. Put methodType = array of keywords, attributes = empty
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for 
//          a particular country(if attributes value is non-empty) and for all 
//          countries (if attributes value is empty) 
const options = {
  methodType:  ["CONTINENT_NAME", "COUNTRY_CODE"],
  attributes: ""
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get all countries code and continent name

// result will be in array format


Method Description Output
getContinentName("India") Return the continents of the coutries "Asia"
getCountryCode("India") Return the codes of the coutries "IN"
getCountryTimeZone("Aruba") Return the timezones of the coutries ["America/Aruba"]
getAllCountriesNames() Return the names of the coutries ["Andorra", "United Arab Emirates", ...]
getAllCountriesLanguages() Return the languages of the coutries [{"name": "Aruba", "languages": [ "Dutch", "English","Papiamento", "Spanish"] }, { "name": "Afghanistan", "languages": [ "Balochi", "Dari", "Pashto", "Turkmenian", "Uzbek"]}]
getAllIsoCodes() Return the iso code of the coutries ["AD", "AE", ..]
getAllCountriesFlag() Return the flags of coutries ["🇦🇨", "🇦🇩" ..]
getAllCountriesCallingCode() Return the calling codes of the coutries ["+93", "+358" ...]
getAllCountriesCapitals() Return the capitals of coutries [{ "country": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul" }, { "country": "Albania", "capital": "Tirana" }, ...]
getCurrencybyCountryCode("USD") Return the information about currency of particular country {symbol: '$', name: 'US Dollar', symbol_native: '$', decimal_digits: 2, rounding: 0, code: 'USD', name_plural: 'US dollars'}
getAllCountryStateNames() Return the states of the coutries [{"country": "Afghanistan", "states": [ "Badakhshan", "Badghis", "Baghlan", ...]}, {"country": "Albania", "states": ["Berat", "Dibres", "Durres",...]}]
getCountryByCode("+91-7976411430") Pass the mobile number with country code and it returns the country information {"name": "India", "dial_code": "+91", "code": "IN" }
getCountryInfo(paramObject) const paramObject = {methodType: keyword, (keywords can be string or array, keyword values are: CONTINENT_NAME, COUNTRY_CODE, COUNTRY_TIME_ZONE, COUNTRY_NAMES, LANGUAGES, ISO_CODES, FLAG, CALLING_CODE, COUNTRY_CAPITALS, CURRENCY, COUNTRY_STATE_NAMES) attributes: empty or country name} returns according to the parameters