This package provides the information related the countries.The following informations are:
- Country name
- Country capital
- Country currency
- Contient
- Language
- Currency
- Flag
npm i get-all-country-info
import {
} from "get-all-country-info";
console.log(getAllCountriesNames()) // get all countries name
console.log(getAllCountriesCallingCode()) // get all countries calling code
console.log(getAllIsoCodes()) // get all countries iso code
// To use getCountryInfo pass the following object as parameter
const paramObject = {
methodType: keyword, // Required Keyword can be found in the Keywords table
attributes: empty or country name
// getCountryInfo function can be implemented in three ways
// 1. Put methodType = Keyword, attributes = empty or country name
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for
// a particular country(if attributes value is non-empty) and for all
// countries (if attributes value is empty)
const options = {
methodType: "COUNTRY_NAMES",
attributes: ""
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get all countries name
// 2. Put methodType = array of keywords, attributes = country name
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for a
// particular country
const options = {
attributes: "India"
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get continent and country code of the country
// 3. Put methodType = array of keywords, attributes = empty
// Output = Returns details depending upon the keyword provided in methodType for
// a particular country(if attributes value is non-empty) and for all
// countries (if attributes value is empty)
const options = {
attributes: ""
console.log(getCountryInfo(options)) // get all countries code and continent name
// result will be in array format
Method | Description | Output |
getContinentName("India") | Return the continents of the coutries | "Asia" |
getCountryCode("India") | Return the codes of the coutries | "IN" |
getCountryTimeZone("Aruba") | Return the timezones of the coutries | ["America/Aruba"] |
getAllCountriesNames() | Return the names of the coutries | ["Andorra", "United Arab Emirates", ...] |
getAllCountriesLanguages() | Return the languages of the coutries | [{"name": "Aruba", "languages": [ "Dutch", "English","Papiamento", "Spanish"] }, { "name": "Afghanistan", "languages": [ "Balochi", "Dari", "Pashto", "Turkmenian", "Uzbek"]}] |
getAllIsoCodes() | Return the iso code of the coutries | ["AD", "AE", ..] |
getAllCountriesFlag() | Return the flags of coutries | ["🇦🇨", "🇦🇩" ..] |
getAllCountriesCallingCode() | Return the calling codes of the coutries | ["+93", "+358" ...] |
getAllCountriesCapitals() | Return the capitals of coutries | [{ "country": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul" }, { "country": "Albania", "capital": "Tirana" }, ...] |
getCurrencybyCountryCode("USD") | Return the information about currency of particular country | {symbol: '$', name: 'US Dollar', symbol_native: '$', decimal_digits: 2, rounding: 0, code: 'USD', name_plural: 'US dollars'} |
getAllCountryStateNames() | Return the states of the coutries | [{"country": "Afghanistan", "states": [ "Badakhshan", "Badghis", "Baghlan", ...]}, {"country": "Albania", "states": ["Berat", "Dibres", "Durres",...]}] |
getCountryByCode("+91-7976411430") | Pass the mobile number with country code and it returns the country information | {"name": "India", "dial_code": "+91", "code": "IN" } |
getCountryInfo(paramObject) | const paramObject = {methodType: keyword, (keywords can be string or array, keyword values are: CONTINENT_NAME, COUNTRY_CODE, COUNTRY_TIME_ZONE, COUNTRY_NAMES, LANGUAGES, ISO_CODES, FLAG, CALLING_CODE, COUNTRY_CAPITALS, CURRENCY, COUNTRY_STATE_NAMES) attributes: empty or country name} | returns according to the parameters |