A simple code storage that allows user to submit, store and efficiently query code samples.
The clipboard provides methods for querying samples by programming language, a set of tags assigned to the code, code substrings, and any possible combinations of the given options. <style> ul { margin: 0; } ul.dashed { list-style-type: none; } ul.dashed > li { text-indent: -5px; margin-top: 10px; } ul > li{ margin-top: 10px; } ul.dashed > li:before { content: "-"; text-indent: -5px; } </style>
Available Spring profiles:
- hibernate: Enable JPA Hibernate Code repository implementation
- suffixtree: Use an alternative code repository based on the GeneralizedSuffixTree (see https://github.com/abahgat/suffixtree)
- default: Default Spring profile
Application endpoints:
- (GET)
$host name$ / : Index webpage - (GET)
$host name$ /search : Search (code) webpage - (GET)
$host name$ /submit : Submit (code) webpage - (POST)
$host name$ /send-code : Send a new Code sample in JSON format - (POST)
$host name$ /search : Search for code samples by specified parameters - (POST)
$host name$ /quit : Kill application server