Project structure:
- The project is built according to the Microservice architecture pattern (each microservice is stateless)
- List of microservices:
User service: (endpoints):
- (POST) /auth : authentication endpoint (declared in the AuthFilter)
- Parameters: ?username=user&password=pwd
- Request body: none
- Authentication result: Bearer token (sent as a response header)
- (GET) /user/{id}: get user by id:
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - user auth token
- Response body: MessengerUserDTO (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (GET) /user?username=name - get user by username
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - user auth token
- Response body: MessengerUserDTO (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (POST) /user - add new user
- auth: no authentication (anonymous)
- Request body: MessengerUserDTO (JSON)
- Response body: MessengeruserDTO with encrypted password and userID
- (PUT) /user ?username=%s OR ?user-id=%d: modify user data
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - user auth token
- Request body: MessengerUserDTO (JSON)
- Response body: MessengeruserDTO with modified data (and encrypted password)
- (DELETE) /user ?username=%s OR ?user-id=%d: delete user
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - user auth token
- Response: HTTP 200 OK or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (POST) /auth : authentication endpoint (declared in the AuthFilter)
Chat service: (endpoints):
- (POST) /auth ?user-access-token=%s&chat-name=%s: chat authentication endpoint (declared in the AuthFilter)
- authorize a user (user-access-tokes) for a specific chat (or give the authority to create chats, if chat name is not specified)
- Parameters: user-access-token: user service access token; chat-name: chat name or <empty>
- Request body: none
- Authentication result: Bearer token (sent as a response header)
- (GET) /chats ?username=%s OR ?user-id=%d: get chats by user id
- RequestBody: PageRequestDTO (Pageable)
- ResponseBody: Page<Chat> (JSON)
- (POST) /chat: create a new chat
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to create chats)
- RequestBody: ChatDTO (JSON)
- ResponseBody: Chat (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (GET) /chat: get chat info
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to read chat info)
- Parameters: ?chat-id=%d OR ?chat-name=%s
- Response body: Chat (JSON)
- (PUT) /chat: modify chat info:
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to modify chat info)
- Request body: ChatDTO
- Response body: Chat (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (POST) /chat/users: add a user to a chat
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to add new users)
- Request Body: ChatUserDTO (JSON)
- Response body: ChatUser (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (PUT) /chat/users: modify chat user data
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to modify user info)
- Parameters: ?chat-id=%d AND ?user-id=%s
- Request body: ChatUserDTO (JSON)
- Response body: ChatUser (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (DELETE) /chat/users: delete chat user
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to delete chat user)
- Parameters: ?chat-id=%d AND ?user-id=%s - id of chat user to delete
- Response body: ResponseEntity<String> : delete message; or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (GET) /chat/users : get chat users by chat
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to read chat users)
- Parameters: ?chat-id=%d OR ?chat-name=%s
- Response body: Page<ChatUser> - chat users; or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (POST) /auth ?user-access-token=%s&chat-name=%s: chat authentication endpoint (declared in the AuthFilter)
Message service: (endpoints):
- (POST) /auth: authentication endpoint (not implemented, chat service authentication is used)
- (POST) /message: post a message
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to send messages)
- Request body: MessageDTO (JSON)
- Response body: ChatMessage (JSON) or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (GET) /message : get chat message by id
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to read messages)
- Request body: ChatMessageId (chat id, user id, submission time)
- Response body: ChatMessage or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (GET) /messages : find all chat messages by chat
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to read messages)
- Parameters: ?chat-id=%d OR ?chat-name=%s
- Request body: PageRequestDTO (Pageable, JSON)
- Response body: Page<ChatMessage> or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- (PUT) /message: edit chat message
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to edit messages)
- Request body: MessageDTO (edited message, JSON)
- Response body: ChatMessage (updated message, JSON)
- (DELETE) /message: delete message by id:
- "Authentication" header: "Bearer %s", %s - chat user auth token (should have the authority to delete messages)
- Request body: ChatMessageId (chat id, user id, submission time)
- Response: HTTP 200 OK or HTTP 403 Forbidden or HTTP 400 BadRequest
- Database connection:
- ENV "mysql-host": environment variable (default: localhost): MySQL database host
- username & password: specified in the config file:
$application.yml$ - driver:
- Spring Boot profiles:
- #todo add description