This is a little componant to get autocomplete on a input field
inital state : display a row with "icone"+ input + "clear button"
when you click on the input it open a modal with the same previous row display, and will display autocompleted items bottom it. the items are returned from the autocompleteCallback function.
when you click on an item, it set it with onSelectCallback function and close modal
need to install react-native-vector-icons and link it :
usage :
import Autocomplete from "./Autocomplete";
title={"city name"} // title in the modal
placeholder={"city"} // placeholder
value={} // init value
iconname={"location-arrow"} // the icon name from "react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome";
autocompleteCallback={value => // the fonction called on each input modification to get autocompleted datas
autocompleteCities(value).then(res => { return res;}).catch(error => console.error(error))}
onSelectCallback={specie => this.setState({ specie })} // function for what to do when you select an autocompleted item
onClearCallback={values => { // function for what to do when you click on clear button on the right
this.setState({ specie: null })
#any advice are welcomed :)
- knowed "bug": you need to click twice on an item to set it ( first time close the keyboard, need to solve this )