Avalon is a multiplayer strategy game that revolves around 2 factions, the Resistance and the Spies. This website was inspired by the popular game "Avalon", and is a spinoff of "The Resistance"
This project does not make any money or claim any rights to the idea or game of Avalon.
Project started on 6/17/17.
Please refer here to see how to play Avalon and use the website
v0.1 6/20/17
Initial front end GUI and fucntionality completed for start page
V0.5 7/29/17
Late update, but nearly completed a beta version of Avalon. So far everything until the creation of the team for the first round is done(play by play). That includes menu screens, player selection, role selection, "night mode". The graphics to display the current state are only complete for the beginning of round 1(also only for 7 players, as 8+ players will have different team requirements).
V0.9 8/18/17
The game is(almost) DONE! Fully works, but requires play testing and some extra features that I personally would like to add. 8+ player pictures need to be created, but 7 players should work just fine. The only thing remaining is to put it onto a domain and add remaining features.
Author: Alan Zeng This project was made as a personal project to practice my web development skills. Currently, the website employs the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.