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MDC Workshop: provisionamento de uma arquitetura básica de Redes (VPC) e dois tipos de Load Balancer (NLB; ALB+ASG) na AWS

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MDC Workshop

Provisionamento de uma Arquitetura básica de Redes (VPC) e Load Balancer (NLB; ALB+ASG) na AWS

AWS Networking

Desenho da Arquitetura:


Passo 01: Criar uma VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

  • VPC > Your VPCs > Create VPC
    • Name: vpcMDC
    • IPv4 CIDR block:
    • Create

Passo 02: Criar as Subnets (pub/priv)

Quatro Subnets serão criadas: 2 públicas e 2 privadas

  • VPC > Subnets > Create subnet
    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
    • Name: pubSubnetA
    • Availability Zone (AZ): az1
    • IPv4 CIDR block:
    • Create
  • Repita os passos acima para criar as demais Subnets
pubSubnetB az2
privSubnetA az1
privSubnetB az2
  • Selecione pubSubnetA, clique em "Action > Edit subnet settings", va em "Auto-assign IP settings" e escolha "Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address". Repita o mesmo processo com pubSubnetB.

Passo 03: Internet Gateway

  • VPC > Internet Gateways > Create internet gateway
    • Name: igw-mdc
    • Create
  • Atachar o Internet Gateway na VPC
    • VPC > Internet Gateways > Actions > Attach to VPC [vpcMDC]

Passo 04: Criar as Route Tables (pub/priv)

Public Route Table:

  • VPC > Route Tables > Create route table
    • Name: rt-public
    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
    • Create
  • Inserção de uma rota para o Internet Gateway (comunicação com a Internet)
    • Route Tables > [rt-public] > Routes > Edit routes > Add route: com Target no Internet Gateway [igw-mdc]
  • Associação com as Subnets públicas
    • Route Tables > [rt-public] > Subnet associations -> Edit subnet associations:
      • selecione as Subnets públicas: [pubSubnetA]; [pubSubnetB]

Private Route Table:

  • VPC > Route Tables > Create route table
    • Name: rt-private
    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
    • Create
  • Associação com as Subnets privadas
    • Route Tables > [rt-private] > Subnet associations > Edit subnet associations:
      • selecione as Subnets privadas: [privSubnetA]; [privSubnetB]

VPC Resource Map


Elastic Load Balancer (NLB): implantação com 2 instâncias em alta disponibilidade

Desenho da Arquitetura:


Passo 01: Criar uma Key Pair

  • EC2 > Network & Security > Key Pairs > Create key pair
    • Name: keypair
    • Key pair type: RSA
    • Private key file format: .pem
    • Create

Passo 02: Criar Security Groups

  • EC2 > Network & Security > Security Groups > Create security group

    • Name: sgELB

    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]

    • Inbound Rules > Add Rule:

      Type Source Description
      HTTP (80) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow HTTP
      HTTPS (443) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow HTTPS
    • Create

  • EC2 > Network & Security > Security Groups > Create security group

    • Name: sgWebServer

    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]

    • Inbound Rules > Add Rule:

      Type Source Description
      SSH (22) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow SSH
      HTTP (80) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow HTTP
      All TCP Custom: [sgELB] Allow Load Balancer
    • Create

Passo 03: Criar duas instâncias EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

  • EC2 > Instances > Instances > Launch instances

    • Name: WebServer1; repertir passos para WebServer2

    • Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Amazon Linux

    • Instance type: t2.micro

    • Key pair: keypair

    • Network settings > Edit:

      • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
      • Subnet: WebServer1 [pubSubnetA]; WebServer2 [pubSubnetB]
      • Select existing security group > Security Groups: [sgWebServer]
    • Advanced details > UserData:

      yum update -y
      yum install -y httpd
      systemctl start httpd
      systemctl enable httpd
      echo "<h1>Hello World from Load Balancer $(hostname -f)</h1>" > /var/www/html/index.html
    • Launch instance

  • para testar a conexão na Instância pública via SSH, usar o comando:

    ssh -i [nomekeypair.pem] ec2-user@[PublicIP]

Passo 04: Criar um Load Balancer (NLB)

  • EC2 > Load Balancing > Load balancers > Create load balancer
    • Load balancer types: Network Load Balancer > Create
    • Name: nlb-mdc
    • Scheme: Internet-facing
    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
    • Mappings (AZs / Subnets):
      • az1: [pubSubnetA]
      • az2: [pubSubnetB]
    • Security Groups: [sgELB]
    • Listeners TCP:80 > Create target group:
      • Target type: Instances
      • Name: tg-nlb-mdc
      • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
      • Health checks > Advanced health check settings: Timeout: 2; Interval: 5
      • Next
      • Available instances: [WebServer1] ; [WebServer2] > Include as pending below
      • Create target group
    • Forward to: selecionar o Target group criado [tg-nlb-mdc]
    • Create load balancer

Passo 05: Validar Network Load Balancer

  • Aguardar o provisionamento e inicialização do Load Balancer
  • Aguardar que o Target group registre as instâncias EC2 e atinja o estado "healthy"
  • Copiar o "DNS name" do Loab Balancer e testar no web browser

Aplication Load Balancer (ALB) com Auto Scaling Group (ASG)

Desenhho da Arquitetura:


Passo 01: Criar Security Groups

  • EC2 > Network & Security > Security Groups > Create security group
    • Name: sgASG

    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]

    • Inbound Rules > Add Rule:

      Type Source Description
      HTTP (80) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow HTTP
      HTTPS (443) Anywhere-IPv4 Allow HTTPS
      All TCP Custom: [sgELB] Allow Load Balancer
    • Create

Passo 02: Criar um Aplication Load Balancer (ALB)

  • EC2 > Load Balancing > Load balancers > Create load balancer
    • Load balancer types: Application Load Balancer > Create
    • Name: alb-mdc
    • Scheme: Internet-facing
    • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
    • Mappings (AZs / Subnets):
      • az1: [pubSubnetA]
      • az2: [pubSubnetB]
    • Security Groups: [sgELB]
    • Listeners HTTP:80 > Create target group:
      • Target type: Instances
      • Name: tg-alb-mdc
      • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
      • Health checks > Advanced health check settings: Timeout: 2; Interval: 5
      • Next
      • Available instances: não selecionar as instâncias - deixar vazio
      • Create target group
    • Forward to: selecionar o Target group criado [tg-alb-mdc]
    • Create load balancer

Passo 03: Criar um Auto Scaling Group (ASG)

  • EC2 > Auto Scaling > Auto Scaling Groups > Create Auto Scaling group
    • Name: asg-mdc
    • Launch template > Create a launch template:
      • Template name: template-asg-mdc

      • Template version description: First template

      • Amazon Machine Image (AMI) > Quick Start: Amazon Linux

      • Instance type: t2.micro

      • Key pair: keypair

      • Network settings:

        • Subnet: Don't include in launch template
        • Select existing security group > Security Groups: [sgASG]
      • Advanced details > UserData:

        yum update -y
        yum install -y httpd
        systemctl start httpd
        systemctl enable httpd
        echo "<h1>Hello World from Application Load Balancer $(hostname -f)</h1>" > /var/www/html/index.html
      • Create Launch template

    • Launch template: selecionar Launch template criado [template-asg-mdc]
    • Next
    • Network:
      • VPC: selecionar a VPC criada anteriormente [vpcMDC]
      • AZs and subnets: [pubSubnetA]; [pubSubnetB]
    • Next
    • Load balancing: Attach to an existing load balancer
    • Choose from your load balancer target groups > target groups: [tg-alb-mdc]
    • Next
    • Group size / Scaling:
      • Desired capacity: 2
      • Min desired capacity: 2
      • Max desired capacity: 4
    • Next
    • Next
    • Next
    • Create Auto Scaling group

Passo 04: Validar Application Load Balancer

  • Aguardar o provisionamento e inicialização do Application Load Balancer
  • Aguardar que o ASG inicialize e o Target group registre as instâncias EC2 e atinja o estado "healthy"
  • Copiar o "DNS name" do Application Loab Balancer e testar no web browser



AWS Resource Groups

Recursos criados ao final do Laboratório:


Bons estudos!!!

André Carlucci


MDC Workshop: provisionamento de uma arquitetura básica de Redes (VPC) e dois tipos de Load Balancer (NLB; ALB+ASG) na AWS







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