This library contains some utils that are commonly used in most of the Alea's projects.
mkvirtualenv infcommon3 -p $(which python3)
workon infcommon3
source dev/env_develop
To use this library add the line below to your requirements.txt:
-e git+
Then install the dependencies:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- You can set the SENTRY_DNS environment variable to use Sentry as logger handler.
- To disable the logs, set the environment variable TEST_MODE (e.g. when executing the tests we don't want logs to be printed or breaking the execution).
- You can activate/deactivate DEBUG logs with USR1/USR2 signals
- You can activate/deactivate SENTRY TRACE SAMPLING with SIGRTMIN/SIGRTMAX signals. Sentry trace sampling is disable by default