I made a fullstack MERN application for a social media platform called "Sociopedia".
Here you can Register an account, login, create posts with Images or without images, Add or remove friends, Like, Comment on other posts, change the overall theme of the page and more.
For the frontend I'm using: React.js, Material UI Framerowrk for styling, Formik for making easier forms, react-router-dom v6 for navigating, react-redux and redux persists for my store and other smaller packages.
For the backend I'm using: Node.js & Express.js, jsonwebtoken to make the authentication with tokens, I'm protecting the routes, bcrypt to protect the passwords, mongo Db and Mongoose for the database and other smaller packages.
The app is fully responsive
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Node package manager - npm.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/aleksandromilenkov/socialpedia.git
- Navigate to server folder and npm install there
npm install
- Navigate to client folder and npm install there too
npm install
- Once installed, navigate to server folder and run this command to start the server:
npm run start
- After server started, navigate to client folder and run this command to start the client:
npm run start
Now go to localhost:3000 and you will see the app.
Use this app for whatever you like.
- React.js
- Material UI
- Formik
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Redux & Redux Persists
- Helmet
- Bcrypt
- And more...