systole (noun)
the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries
A batteries-included library for writing designs which use systolic networks. Systolic networks are taken as a generalisation of the classic systolic array architecture, and can be used to implement any manner of structure in a systolic manner including
- pipelines
- systolic arrays
- systolic trees
- systolic lattices
- systolic neural networks
The API for clash-systolic
aims to be as lightweight as possible. Once a
systolic cell or network is configured, it is simply a function from a signal
of input to a signal of output. This makes it easy to integrate with existing
clash designs, as there is no separate API to learn.
Systolic cells describe the behaviour of an individual processing element in a network. These provide the basic functionality for a network and should be designed in such a way that each cell acts as a black box - consuming some input and producing some output every cycle.
⚠️ Warning: Using registers in cellsCells are intended to only specify behaviour, as cells are not expected to know if their input / output is an external signal to / from a network. This means that cells should not delay their input or output signals, as this can lead to incorrect behaviour when cells are connected to form a network.
The type of a cell should contain all the information needed to implement the
class. This means user defined cell types should allow the
inputs and outputs of the cell to be determined, as well as any static
configuration for the cell.
Systolic networks describe the interconnection of processing elements. These provide templates for how to instantiate and connect individual cells to build the desired circuit. Similarly to cells, networks are also black boxes which consume some input and produce some output each cycle. Note that for many types of network, there will be a latency before the first output is produced.
The type of a network should contain all the information needed to implement
the SystolicNetwork
class. This means user defined network types should allow
the inputs and outputs of a network to be determined, as well as any static
configuration for the network.
A ripple carry adder is a simple adder circuit constructed by chaining together
adders, propagating the carry from one adder to the next. Using clash-systolic
we can implement this as a systolic network where
each cell is an n-bit adder, taking two n-bit numbers and a carry bit and outputting an n-bit number and a carry bit
the network takes in an initial carry and two n * m bit numbers, and outputs the final carry and an n * m bit number. The network handles splitting the input into chunks and merging the outputs, as well as delaying the input and output chunks by the correct amount
Assuming the project is based off the clash starter project, the only preamble needed is
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Systolic
The first thing to be defined is the type of cells, containing the static configuration for the adder. For this example, the only configuration is the number of bits that a single adder cell can add.
data Adder n where
Adder :: SNat n -> Adder n
The instance for SystolicCell
specifies the interface and behaviour for the
cell. For convenience, we use BitVector
to represent values, as this
allows any type which implements BitPack
to be used (provided the signal is
packed and unpacked outside the final network).
instance SystolicCell (Adder n) where
type CellInput (Adder n) =
(BitVector n, BitVector n, Bit)
type CellOutput (Adder n) =
(BitVector n, Bit)
systolicCell (Adder SNat) =
fmap $ \(x, y, cIn) ->
let (c, z) = split (add x y + resize (pack cIn))
in (z, unpack c)
With the behaviour of an individual cell specified, a network can now be defined which instantiates and connects the cells together. This is configured by the number of stages and the width of each cell's input. The constraints for the network are also given in this configuration type, which are
- there must be at least one adder
- each adder must add at least one bit
data RippleAdder stages width where
:: ( KnownNat stages, stages <= 1
, KnownNat width, width <= 1
=> SNat (stages * width)
-> RippleAdder stages width
The SystolicNetwork
instance for RippleAdder
contains most of the
complexity in the implementation, as it has to
- split each input
into the input for each cell - delay each input
so input and carry meet cells in sync - instantiate and connect the adders for the network
- delay the output of each adder so results are produced in sync
- extract the final carry and outputs from adders, and merge the outputs
Firstly, an auxiliary function is defined to delay signals by their position
in the network. This delays each signal in a Vec
by it's 0-based index:
:: forall dom n a
. ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
, KnownNat n
, NFDataX a
=> Vec n (Signal dom a)
-> Vec n (Signal dom a)
delaySignals =
smap delayByIndex
delayByIndex i signal =
foldl (\x _ -> register undefined x) signal (replicate i ())
Another useful auxiliary function is to extract the first adder from the cells
in the network (as carry flows from LSB to MSB, the first adder will have the
final carry value). As Clash.Sized.Vector.head
uses (+)
in it's type
signature instead of a (<=)
constraint, leToPlus
is used to change the type
to use a (<=)
constraint instead.
firstAdder :: forall n a. (1 <= n) => Vec n a -> a
firstAdder = leToPlus @1 @n head
With these definitions, SystolicNetwork
can be implemented:
instance SystolicNetwork (RippleAdder stages width) where
type NetworkInput (RippleAdder stages width) =
(BitVector (stages * width), BitVector (stages * width), Bit)
type NetworkOutput (RippleAdder stages width) =
(BitVector (stages * width), Bit)
systolicNetwork (RippleAdder SNat) inputs =
bundle (zBv, cOut)
-- Network Inputs
(xBv, yBv, cIn) = unbundle inputs
xIn = delayInputs (traverse unpack xBv)
yIn = delayInputs (traverse unpack yBv)
-- Network Outputs
cOut = fmap snd (firstAdder adders)
zOut = delayOutputs (fmap fst <$> adders)
zBv = fmap pack (sequenceA zOut)
-- Network Cells
adders = fmap build (indicesI @stages)
build i =
let carry | i == maxBound = cIn
| otherwise = fmap snd (adders !! succ i)
in register undefined $
systolicCell (Adder SNat) (bundle (xIn !! i, yIn !! i, carry))
-- Delaying
delayInputs = reverse . delaySignals . reverse
delayOutputs = delaySignals
From clashi
we can test that the ripple adder network performs as expected:
> import Data.List as List
> let xs = [62, 75, 54, 86, 54, 76, 36, 67] :: [BitVector 8]
> let ys = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 255] :: [BitVector 8]
> let cs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] :: [Bit]
> let netIn = List.zip3 xs ys cs
> let net2x4 = systolicNetwork @_ @System (PipelinedAdder @2 @4 SNat)
> showX (simulateN 10 net2x4 netIn)
If the number of stages and width of each stage are changed, the latency of the network changes accordingly:
> let net1x8 = systolicNetwork @_ @System (PipelinedAdder @1 @8 SNat)
> let net4x2 = systolicNetwork @_ @System (PipelinedAdder @4 @2 SNat)
> showX (simulateN 9 net1x8 netIn)
> showX (simulateN 12 net4x2 netIn)
- Why is cell / network X not defined in the library?
aims to be as lightweight as possible, the only definitions given out of the box are things deemed to be widely applicable. The means cells / networks which are specific to a particular problem or problem domain are likely to be excluded. In the future, separate libraries may be created for these if there is demand.Pull requests are accepted for new cells / networks if they are generic enough for inclusion in the library.
- How can I define a network with multiple types of cell?
There are two recommended ways to define a network with multiple types of cell, depending on whether the cells have the same input and output types or not. For the simple case, the cell configuration can simple have a constructor for each variant of cell, i.e.
data MyCell = DoA | DoB
For the more advanced case of cells which have different inputs / outputs,
can be used to describe the different variants of cell. For example:data CellType = A | B data MyCell :: CellType -> Type where DoA :: MyCell 'A DoB :: MyCell 'B
By using
to define instances forSystolicCell
, the different variants can have differentCellInput
types:instance SystolicCell (MyCell 'A) where type CellInput (MyCell 'A) = InputA type CellOutput (MyCell 'A) = OutputA systolicCell DoA = ... instance SystolicCell (MyCell 'B) where type CellInput (MyCell 'B) = InputB type CellOutput (MyCell 'B) = OutputB systolicCell DoB = ...
Networks can be defined to work over multiple types of cell by having a recursive configuration type and using type equality constraints to ensure that input and output types for cells line up. See the library module
for an example of this. - How can I change the connections / flow of data in a network?
As connections are specified by implementations of the
class, the best way to define variations of a network are to either- specify choices as static configuration in the network type
- define related network types for different connection methods
This is largely a matter of personal taste, although generally speaking for variations of a network that are sufficiently different it is better to define a separate network type to keep the implementation of
easily understandable. The-XGADTs
trick from the preceding answer can also be used to solve this problem. - How can I use hidden state within a cell / network?
Hidden state can be used in a cell by defining cells using the
functions from clash-prelude. Hidden state in a network can be achieved by having an input and output from cells containing the shared internal state. The connections for the network must connect these signals together such that no input or output is part of theNetworkInput
for the network. The behaviour of the cell type must specify when to preserve or propagate state amongst cells. - How can I define networks with irregular delays?
Systolic networks should have a regular delay between cells. If you are trying to implement something where this is undesirable, this is likely not the library you want. You may have more luck with the clash-protocols library.
is licensed under the BSD 2 Clause license, see