Hi! You're on my profile page, where I've grouped together some of the projects I've published on Github to act as a sort of index. There are both projects I made for learning new technologies and personal ones (sysadmin and such), feel free to take a look.
- eppctl: Simple utility to manage AMD EPP Active driver on Linux
- mkinitcpio-recovery: Recovery initramfs UKI for executing maintenance operations without requiring a live USB in Arch Linux
- DataWorks: App made for general data management while supporting extensions/modifications via scripts (Electron + React + Next.js + TypeScript + SQLite)
- CineHub: Android app for buying cinema tickets online (Android + Java + FireBase)
- EmployeeManagerFX: Employee manager made with JavaFX and MySQL
- ChatPSP: Chat application with both client and server implemented in Java by using TCP sockets
- android-weather_api_app: Basic weather app, made for learning about the RetroFit library querying the DarkSky API (nowadays deprecated)
- swift-calculator: Simple calculator app made in Swift