Eliza helps you handle your Google Calendar and Google Drive and also research queries on Google or Youtube.
Eliza was created to handle your Google account by adding or researching for events in your Google Calendar and also research, open and share a Google Drive file and research queries on Google or YouTube. This assistant also allows you to check on the last news in innovation and technologies. Moreover, Eliza can also handle small talk dialog and discuss with its user.
This project was created using Dialogflow, Flask and Pusher.
Language version : Python 3.6.
Operating System : MacOS High Sierra.
Install the set of dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code to handle Google Calendar API is available here :
The code to handle Google Drive API is available here :
Create a free account on Pusher (https://pusher.com/channels). Then create a new app and write dows your app_id, key, secret and cluster. You'll need Pusher Channels to add real-time funtionnalities to your bot.
News API is a simple and easy-to-use API that returns JSON metadata for headlines and articles live all over the web right now. Get your API-key to add the functionnality to your bot (https://newsapi.org/docs/get-started).
Use a secure tunnel to localhost webhook development tool and debugging tool. I personnaly use ngrok :
ngrok http localhost:5000
Create a virtual environment in your project path using :
python3 -m venv env
or :
python -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment :
source env/bin/activate
Activate the virtual environment :
Run Flask web app :
flask run
Go to to run your app
Alexandra Benamar