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Polymake.jl is a Julia package for using polymake, a software for research in polyhedral geometry from Julia. This package is developed as part of the OSCAR project.

The current version of Polymake.jl relies on polymake version 3.3 or later.



The installation can be done in the Julia's REPL by executing

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("Polymake")

This will fetch a pre-built binary of polymake. You are ready to start using Polymake.

Note: Pre-built binaries are available for the Linux and macOS platform, but the macOS binaries are considered experimental. Windows users are encouraged to try running Julia inside Window Subsystem for Linux and reporting back ;)

To skip the test for polymake-config in the PATH and directly use the pre-built binaries you need to set POLYMAKE_CONFIG=no in your environment.

Note: Pre-built polymake will use a separate .polymake config directory (usually joinpath(homedir(), ".julia", "polymake_user")).

Your own installation of polymake

If you already have a recent enough version of polymake (i.e. >=3.3) on your system, you either need to make polymake-config available in your PATH or the environment variable POLYMAKE_CONFIG needs to point to the correct polymake-config file.

After this just add the package as above (or build if the package has been already added), the build script will use your polymake installation.

polymake from source

A compatible version is available at polymake/polymake. It can be compiled as follows where GIT_FOLDER and INSTALL_FOLDER have to be substituted with your favorite folders. Please note that these need to be absolute paths. Also make sure to check the necessary dependencies as well as the additional instructions for Macs.

git clone $POLYMAKE_GIT
./configure --prefix=$POLYMAKE_INSTALL
ninja -C build/Opt
ninja -C build/Opt install
export POLYMAKE_CONFIG=$POLYMAKE_INSTALL/bin/polymake-config

Note that polymake might take some time to compile.

After this start Julia and follow the instructions above.

Note: Self-built polymake will use the standard .polymake config directory (usually $HOME/.polymake).

Polymake.jl in a separate environment:

First clone Polymake.jl:

git clone

In the same directory start Julia and press ] for pkg mode. Then run

(v1.0) pkg> activate Polymake.jl
(Polymake) pkg> instantiate
(Polymake) pkg> build Polymake # fetches the prebuild polymake binaries
(Polymake) pkg> test Polymake # and You are good to go!

If polymake-config is in your PATH, or POLYMAKE_CONFIG environment variable is set the build phase will try to use it.

Just remember that You need to activate Polymake.jl to use Polymake.


In this section we just highlight various possible uses of Polymake.jl. Please refer to Polymake syntax translation for more thorough treatment.

polymake big objects (like Polytope, Cone, etc) should be created with the help of @pm macro:

# Call the Polytope constructor
julia> p = @pm Polytope.Polytope(POINTS=[1 -1 -1; 1 1 -1; 1 -1 1; 1 1 1; 1 0 0])
type: Polytope<Rational>

1 -1 -1
1 1 -1
1 -1 1
1 1 1
1 0 0

Parameters could be passed as

  • keyword arguments (as above),
  • Pair{Symbol, ...}s e.g. Polytope.Polytope(:POINTS=>[ ... ])
  • dictionaries e.g. Polytope.Polytope(Dict( "POINTS" => [ ... ] ))

The dictionary may hold many different attributes. All the names must be compatible with polymake.

Properties of such objects can be accessed by the . syntax:

1 0 0

Example script

The following script is modelled on the one from the Using Perl within polymake tutorial:

using Polymake

str = read("points.demo", String)
# eval/parse is a hack for Rational input, don't do this at home!
matrix_str = "["*replace(str, "/"=>"//")*"]"
matrix = eval(Meta.parse(matrix_str))
@show matrix

p = @pm Polytope.Polytope(POINTS=matrix)

@show p.FACETS # polymake matrix of polymake rationals
@show Polytope.dim(p) # Julia Int64
# note that even in Polymake property DIM is "fake" -- it's actually a function
@show p.VERTEX_SIZES # polymake array of ints
@show p.VERTICES

for (i, vsize) in enumerate(p.VERTEX_SIZES)
  if vsize == Polytope.dim(p)
    println("$i : $(p.VERTICES[i,:])")
    # $i will be shifted by one from the polymake version

simple_verts = [i for (i, vsize) in enumerate(p.VERTEX_SIZES) if vsize == Polytope.dim(p)] # Julia vector of Int64s

special_points = p.VERTICES[simple_verts, :] # polymake Matrix of rationals
@show special_points;

The script included (i.e. in running REPL execute include("example_script.jl");) produces the following output:

matrix = Rational{Int64}[1//1 0//1 0//1 0//1; 1//1 1//16 1//4 1//16; 1//1 3//8 1//4 1//32; 1//1 1//4 3//8 1//32; 1//1 1//16 1//16 1//4; 1//1 1//32 3//8 1//4; 1//1 1//4 1//16 1//16; 1//1 1//32 1//4 3//8; 1//1 3//8 1//32 1//4; 1//1 1//4 1//32 3//8]
p.FACETS = pm::Matrix<pm::Rational>
0 -1 20/7 8/7
0 -1 20 -1
0 20/7 -1 8/7
0 20/7 8/7 -1
0 20 -1 -1
1 16/3 16/3 -20/3
0 8/7 20/7 -1
0 8/7 -1 20/7
1 16/3 -20/3 16/3
0 -1 -1 20
0 -1 8/7 20/7
1 -20/3 16/3 16/3
1 -32/21 -32/21 -32/21

(Polymake.Polytope).dim(p) = 3
p.VERTEX_SIZES = pm::Array<int>
9 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4
p.VERTICES = pm::Matrix<pm::Rational>
1 0 0 0
1 1/16 1/4 1/16
1 3/8 1/4 1/32
1 1/4 3/8 1/32
1 1/16 1/16 1/4
1 1/32 3/8 1/4
1 1/4 1/16 1/16
1 1/32 1/4 3/8
1 3/8 1/32 1/4
1 1/4 1/32 3/8

2 : pm::Vector<pm::Rational>
1 1/16 1/4 1/16
5 : pm::Vector<pm::Rational>
1 1/16 1/16 1/4
7 : pm::Vector<pm::Rational>
1 1/4 1/16 1/16
special_points = pm::Matrix<pm::Rational>
1 1/16 1/4 1/16
1 1/16 1/16 1/4
1 1/4 1/16 1/16

As can be seen we show consecutive steps of computations: the input matrix, FACETS, then we ask for VERTEX_SIZES, which triggers the convex hull computation. Then we show vertices and print those corresponding to simple vertices. Finally we collect them in special_points.

Note that a polymake matrix tries to mimic the behaviour of Julia arrays: p.VERTICES[2,:] returns a 1-dimensional slice (i.e. pm_Vector), while passing a set of indices (p.VERTICES[special_points, :]) returns a 2-dimensional one.


The same minor (up to permutation of rows) could be obtained by using sets: either Julia or polymake sets. However since by default one can not index arrays with sets, we need to collect them first:

simple_verts = Set(i for (i, vsize) in enumerate(p.VERTEX_SIZES) if vsize == Polytope.dim(p)) # Julia set of Int64s

simple_verts = pm_Set(i for (i, vsize) in enumerate(p.VERTEX_SIZES) if vsize == Polytope.dim(p)) # polymake set of longs

special_points = p.VERTICES[collect(simple_verts), :]

Polymake syntax translation

The following tables explain by example how to quickly translate polymake syntax to Polymake.jl.


Polymake Julia
$p (reference to 'scalar' variable) p (reference to any variable)
print $p; print(p) or println(p) or @show p, or just p in REPL
$i=5; $j=6; i,j = 5,6 or i=5; j=6
(; is needed for separation, can be used to suppress return value in REPL)
$s = $i + $j; print $s; s = i + j


Polymake Julia
Linear containers with random access Linear containers with random access + all the algebra attached
@A = ("a", "b", "c"); A = ["a", "b", "c"]
$first = $A[0];
(first is equal to a)
first = A[1]
(note the 1-based indexing!)
@A2 = (3,1,4,2); A2 = [3,1,4,2]
print sort(@A2);
(a copy of A2 is sorted)
(to sort in place use sort!(A2))
$arr = new Array<Int>([3,2,5]);
(a C++ object)
arr = [3,2,5]
(the Int type is inferred)
$arr->[0] = 100;
arr[1] = 100
(assignment; returns 100)

Dictionaries/Hash Tables

Polymake Julia
%h = (); h = Dict()
it is MUCH better to provide types e.g.
h = Dict{String, Int}()
$h{"zero"}=0; $h{"four"}=4; h["zero"] = 0; h["four"] = 4
(call returns the value)
print keys %h; @show keys(h) (NOTE: order is not specified)
print join(", ",keys %hash); join(keys(h), ", ")
(returns String)
%hash=("one",1,"two",2); Dict([("one",1), ("two",2)])
(will infer types)
%hash=("one"=>1,"two"=>2); Dict("one"=>1,"two"=>2)


Polymake Julia
Balanced binary search trees Hash table with no content
$set=new Set<Int>(3,2,5,3); set = Set{Int}([3,2,5,3])
print $set->size; length(set)
@array_from_set=@$set collect(set)
(NOTE: this creates a Vector, but order is NOT specified)


Polymake Julia
new Matrix<T>
Container with algebraic operations
Matrix{T} = Array{T, 2}
Linear container with available indexing by 2-ples; all algebra attached
$mat=new Matrix<Rational>([[2,1,4,0,0],[3,1,5,2,1],[1,0,4,0,6]]);
$row1=new Vector<Rational>([2,1,4,0,0]);
$row2=new Vector<Rational>([3,1,5,2,1]);
$row3=new Vector<Rational>([1,0,4,0,6]);
@matrix_rows=($row1,$row2,$row3);(Perl object)
$matrix_from_array=new Matrix<Rational>(\@matrix_rows);(C++ object)
mat = Rational{Int}[2 1 4 0 0; 3 1 5 2 1; 1 0 4 0 6];
row1 = Rational{Int}[2, 1, 4, 0, 0];
row2 = Rational{Int}[3, 1, 5, 2, 1];
row3 = Rational{Int}[1, 0, 4, 0, 6];
matrix_rows = hcat(row1', row2', row3')
(Julia stores matrices in column major format, so ' i.e. transposition is needed)
$mat->row(1)->[1]=7; $mat->elem(1,2)=8; mat[2,2] = 7; mat[2,3] = 8
$unit_mat=4*unit_matrix<Rational>(3); unit_mat = Diagonal([4//1 for i in 1:3]) or UniformScaling(4//1)
depending on application; both require using LinearAlgebra
$dense=new Matrix<Rational>($unit_mat);
$m_rat=new Matrix<Rational>(3/5*unit_matrix<Rational>(5));
$m_int=new Matrix<Int>(unit_matrix<Rational>(5));
(results in an error due to incompatible types)
m_rat = Diagonal([3//5 for i in 1:5])
m2 = mat/m_rat
m_int = Diagonal([1 for i in 1:5])
(succeeds due to promote happening in /)
(adds z_vec as the first column, result is dense)
convert(Diagonal{Rational{Int}}, m_int)
z_vec = zeros(Int, size(m_int, 1))
extended_matrix = hcat(z_vec, m_int)
(result is sparse)
$set=new Set<Int>(3,2,5);
$template_Ex=new Array<Set<Int>>((new Set<Int>(5,2,6)),$set)
set = Set([3,2,5]);
template_Ex = [Set([5,2,6]), set]

Big objects & properties:

Polymake Julia
$p=new Polytope<Rational>(POINTS=>cube(4)->VERTICES); p = @pm Polytope.Polytope(POINTS=Polytope.cube(4).VERTICES)
$lp=new LinearProgram<Rational>(LINEAR_OBJECTIVE=>[0,1,1,1,1]); lp = @pm Polytope.LinearProgram(LINEAR_OBJECTIVE=[0,1,1,1,1])
p.LP = lp
$i = ($p->N_FACETS * $p->N_FACETS) * 15; i = (p.N_FACETS * p.N_FACETS) * 15
$print p->DIM; Polytope.dim(p)
DIM is actually a faux property, which hides a function beneath
application "topaz";
$p = new Polytope<Max, QuadraticExtension>(POINTS=>[[1,0,0], [1,1,0], [1,1,1]]);
p = @pm Tropical.Polytope{Max, QuadraticExtension}(POINTS=[1 0 0; 1 1 0; 1 1 1])

Current state of the polymake wrapper

Data structures

  • Big objects, e.g., Polytopes, can be handled in Julia.
  • Several small objects (data types) from polymake are available in Polymake.jl:
    • Integers (pm_Integer <: Integer)
    • Rationals (pm_Rational <: Real)
    • Vectors (pm_Vector <: AbstractVector) of pm_Integers and pm_Rationals
    • Matrices (pm_Matrix <: AbstractMatrix) of Float64s, pm_Integers and pm_Rational
    • Sets (pm_Set <: AbstractSet) of Int32s and Int64s
    • Arrays (pm_Array <: AbstractVector, as pm_Arrays are one-dimensional) of Int32s, Int64s and pm_Integers
    • some combinations thereof, e.g., pm_Arrays of pm_Sets of Int32s.

These data types can be converted to appropriate Julia types, but are also subtypes of the corresponding Julia abstract types (as indicated above), and so should be accepted by all methods that apply to the abstract types.

Note: If the returned small object has not been wrapped in Polymake.jl yet, you will not be able to access its content or in general use it from Julia, however you can always pass it back as an argument to a polymake function. Moreover you may try to convert to Julia understandable type via @pm Common.convert_to{wrapped{templated, type}}(obj). For example:

julia> c = Polytope.cube(3);

julia> f = c.FACETS;

julia> f[1,1] # f is an opaque pm::perl::PropertyValue to julia
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Polymake.pm_perl_PropertyValueAllocated, ::Int64, ::Int64)

julia> m = @pm Common.convert_to{Matrix{Integer}}(f)
1 1 0 0
1 -1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 0 -1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 -1

julia> m[1,1]


  • All user functions from polymake are available in the appropriate modules, e.g. homology function from topaz can be called as Topaz.homology(...) in Julia. We pull the docstrings for functions from polymake as well, so ?Topaz.homology (in Julia's REPL) returns a polymake docstring. Note: the syntax presented in the docstring is a polymake syntax, not Polymake.jl one.
  • Most of the user functions from polymake are available as Appname.funcname(...) in Polymake.jl. Moreover, any function from polymake C++ library can be called via @pm Appname.funcname(...) macro. If you happen to use a non-user polymake function in REPL quite often you might Polymake.@register Appname.funcname so that it becomes available for completion. This is a purely convenience macro, as the effects of @register will be lost when Julia kernel restarts.
  • All big objects of polymake can be constructed via @pm macro. For example
$obj = new BigObject<Template,Parameters>(args)


obj = @pm Appname.BigObject{Templete,Parameters}(args)

See Section Polymake syntax translation for concrete examples.

  • Properties of big objects are accessible by syntax (as opposed to $bigobject->property in polymake). If there is a missing property (e.g. Polytope.Polytope does not have DIM property in Polymake.jl), please check if it can be accessed by For example property DIM is exposed as Polytope.dim(...) function.
  • Methods are available as functions in the appropriate modules, with the first argument as the object, i.e. $bigobj->methodname(...) can be called via Appname.methodname(bigobj, ...)
  • A function in Polymake.jl calling polymake may return a big or small object, and the generic return (PropertyValue) is transparently converted to one of the data types above. If you really care about performance, this conversion can be deactivated by adding keep_PropertyValue=true keyword argument to function/method call.

Function Arguments

Functions in Polymake.jl accept the following types for their arguments:

  • simple data types (bools, machine integers, floats)
  • wrapped native types (pm_Integer, pm_Rational, pm_Vector, pm_Matrix, pm_Set etc.)
  • other objects returned by polymake:
    • pm_perl_Object (essentially Big Objects),
    • pm_perl_PropertyValue (containers opaque to Julia)

If an object passed to Polymake.jl function is of a different type the software will try its best to convert it to such. However, if the conversion doesn't work the ArgumentError will be thrown:

ERROR: ArgumentError: Unrecognized argument type: SomeType.
You need to convert to polymake compatible type first.

You can tell Polymake.jl how to convert it by definig

Base.convert(::Type{Polymake.PolymakeType}, ma::SomeType)

The returned value must be of one of the types as above. For example to use AbstractAlgebra matrices as input to Polymake.jl one may define

Base.convert(::Type{Polymake.PolymakeType}, M::Generic.MatSpaceElem) = pm_Matrix(M.entries)

and the following should run smoothly.

julia> using AbstractAlgebra, Polymake
polymake version 3.4
Copyright (c) 1997-2019
Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig (TU Berlin)

This is free software licensed under GPL; see the source for copying conditions.

julia> mm = AbstractAlgebra.matrix(ZZ, [1 2 3; 4 5 6])
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]

julia> @pm Polytope.Polytope(POINTS=mm)
ERROR: ArgumentError: Unrecognized argument type: AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MatSpaceElem{Int64}.
You need to convert to polymake compatible type first.

julia> Base.convert(::Type{Polymake.PolymakeType}, M::Generic.MatSpaceElem) = pm_Matrix(M.entries)

julia> @pm Polytope.Polytope(POINTS=mm)
type: Polytope<Rational>

1 2 3
1 5/4 3/2


Interface to Polymake using CxxWrap







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