- run
npm install
in src/javascript/websocket-test and src/javascript/reqme - run
cargo build
in src/rust/banana (requires nightly version of rust:rustup default nightly
) 3 make surelibssl-dev
are installed on your machine - necessary for rust request library used to call riot API routes. - install redis:
wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
sudo make install //this will add redis-cli and redis-server to your path
- run redis with the conf file in the main directory
redis-server redis.conf
- make sure you have a Db_config.toml filled out with the right values in src/rust/banana
- start your api from src/rust/banana.
cargo run
- start the web app. go to src/javascript/reqme and run:
npm start
The client-listener
app listens to the LoL client and broadcasts pick/ban data over a local websocket.
For now, it runs on Windows only (this is a limitation of the client API library).
See https://github.com/stirante/lol-client-java-api for the library we're using.
Install a JDK for Java 8 on your Windows side, free & recommended is AdoptOpenJDK: https://adoptopenjdk.net/installation.html#
Install maven on your Windows side: https://maven.apache.org/install.html (be sure to add maven to your PATH)
Open your LoL client and log in
as Administrator. Check your maven installation withmvn --version
, navigate tosrc/java/client-listener
mvn clean install && mvn exec:java
The app should start up, tell you the summoner logged in, and try to open a connection to the websocket the Web app is listening on
On startup the client-listener app will print a sample of the JSON format that will be broadcast over the local websocket: {"summonerName":"Rawshokwave","summonerTeam":[137,42,11],"opponentTeam":[642,55]}