A SwiftUI USDZ Object Scanner for Capturing Real Life Objects and transforming to USDZ file using Photogrametry.
This is just a SPM wrapper based on the original Apple Object Capture Sample Code
- iPhone or iPad with a LiDAR Scanner and an A14 Bionic chip or later
- iOS or iPadOS 17 or later
- File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- Add https://github.com/alfianlosari/USDZScanner.git
You must add Privacy - Camera Usage Description
permission in your App Info.plist to use the scanner.
Initialize USDZScanner passing the completion callback. The completion contains a parameter for the URL where it stored the USDZ file.
import SwiftUI
import USDZScanner
struct SampleApp: App {
@State var isScanObjectPresenting = false
@State var url: URL?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
VStack {
Button("Scan Object") {
isScanObjectPresenting = true
if let url {
.sheet(isPresented: $isScanObjectPresenting, content: {
USDZScanner { url in
self.url = url
isScanObjectPresenting = false