Java / Spring RestAPI exchange rate run time request service
This service is an implementation of the following tasks as defined below referencing the user stories described in the Scalable Test Assessment:
As a user, who accesses this service through a user interface, ...
- I want to retrieve the ECB reference rate for a currency pair, e.g. USD/EUR or HUF/EUR.
- I want to retrieve an exchange rate for other pairs, e.g. HUF/USD.
- I want to retrieve a list of supported currencies and see how many times they were requested.
- I want to convert an amount in a given currency to another, e.g. 15 EUR = ??? GBP
- I want to retrieve a link to a public website showing an interactive chart for a given currency pair. The user interface is not part of this assignment.
This project is build over the following requirements:
-Java -XML -Spring -Maven -HTTP endpoints -URLs
########################################## Endpoints according to user requirement tasks:
- I want to retrieve the ECB reference rate for a currency pair, e.g. USD/EUR or HUF/EUR.
For euro currency pairs: USD/EUR, HUF/EUR etc.
Response: {"requestName":"gbp_euro_ref_rate","requestValue":"1.1738466956215519"}
For currency against the euro pairs: EUR/USD, EUR/HUF etc.
http://localhost:8080/currency-rate/{currency} Response: {"requestName":"euro_gbp_ref_rate","requestValue":"0.85190"}
- I want to retrieve an exchange rate for other pairs, e.g. HUF/USD.
For any currency pair: USD/GBP, GBP/ZAR etc. http://localhost:8080/pair-rate/{currency_from}-{currency_to}
Response: {"requestName":"zar_chf_rate","requestValue":"0.062431418890402865"}
- I want to retrieve a list of supported currencies and see how many times they were requested.
A list of all currencies show on ECB website along with the number of requests made for each currency http://localhost:8080/list
Response: [{"requestName":"Total currencies","requestValue":"31"},{"requestName":"CHF","requestValue":"1"}, {"requestName":"HRK","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"MXN","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"ZAR","requestValue":"2"},{"requestName":"INR","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"CNY","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"THB","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"AUD","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"ILS","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"KRW","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"JPY","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"PLN","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"GBP","requestValue":"4"},{"requestName":"IDR","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"HUF","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"PHP","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"TRY","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"ISK","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"HKD","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"EUR","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"DKK","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"USD","requestValue":"2"},{"requestName":"CAD","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"MYR","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"BGN","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"NOK","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"RON","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"SGD","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"CZK","requestValue":"0"}, {"requestName":"SEK","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"NZD","requestValue":"0"},{"requestName":"BRL","requestValue":"0"}]
- I want to convert an amount in a given currency to another, e.g. 15 EUR = ??? GBP
To convert any currency amount to another currency http://localhost:8080/currency-converter/{currency_amount}-{currency_from}-{currency_to}
Response: {"requestName":"15_eur_gbp_amount","requestValue":"12.7785"}
- I want to retrieve a link to a public website showing an interactive chart for a given currency pair.
This endpoint returns the link for a public website for an interactive chart http://localhost:8080/chart/{currency_from}-{currency_to}
Response: {"requestName":"public_web_link","requestValue":""}
This endpoint automatically redirects to a public website for an interactive chart http://localhost:8080/chart-open/{currency_from}-{currency_to}
Response: Automatic redirect to the public website
Run the app
Move into the target folder: exchangerateservice\exchangerateservice\target
Run command: $ java -jar exchangerateservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar $
Docker Instructions
build docker build -f Dockerfile -t ecbexchangeservice
run docker run -p 8080:8080 ecbexchangeservice