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AliOS Studio.en

夏晓文 edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 1 revision

AliOS Studio

EN | 中文

AliOS Studio is a AliOS Things development environment based on vscode, and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. AliOS Studio supports:

  • Excellent development experience, simple UI.
  • Language support for C includes Auto-completion, Symbol searching, Go to/Peek Definition/Declaration, etc.
  • Compile, upload and debug with AliOS Things.
  • Support many embedded boards.
  • uDevice Center, Serial tool, TSL Convert tool etc.


Install Visual Studio Code

Download and Install vscode.

Install AliOS Studio

Open vscode, Install AliOS Studio extension:

image | left

Install aos-cube

AliOS Studio depends on aos-cube, check aos-cube to Install. AliOS Studio also supports install aos-cube, show like this:

NEED to install python2 and pip first !, check System envirmonent setup.

image | left

Install aos-cube By AliOS Studio, aos-cube will be installed in virtual python envirmonent(virualenv), , aos-cube works well in vscode terminal, but not working in other terminal like cmd or powershell.

Quick Start

AliOS Studio statusbar

The main features of AliOS Studio displays in vscode statusbar on the bottom. the icons is Build, Flash, serial tool, Clean from left to right.

image | left


helloworld@developerkit is the build target in statusbar, which helloworld is the app name, developerkit is the board name. You can choose app and board by click it and build target like this:

image | left


  1. Connect board and PC by USB Micro cable.
  2. click Flash icon to Flash binary to board.

If not set the serial port number and the baudrate, click Flash icon will show the quickpick to pick serial port and input baudrate.

image | left

Here you can see AliOS Studio board list that supports Flash. If you want your board supports AliOS Studio Flash, refer to:


In vscode, Press F5 or click Debug > Start Debugging will enter in debug mode:

image | left

Here you can see AliOS Studio board list that supports Debug. If you want your board supports AliOS Studio Debug, refer to:

Reference video: 使用 AliOS Studio 开始 AliOS Things 调试.

Set Optimization Level

Best to set the optimization level to -Og or -O0 when debugging, otherwise there will be problems such as function jump exception, single-step debugging exception, variable optimize-out. Set the optimization level:

  • For AliOS Things < 2.1.0: modify COMPILER_SPECIFIC_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS to -Og or -O0 in build/
  • For AliOS Things >= 2.1.0: add BUILD_TYPE=debug when make: aos make BUILD_TYPE=debug.


AliOS Studio Commands list

Press Ctrl-Shift-P to open the command palette and type alios-studio:

image | left

command description Status bar icons
Build Build AliOS Things: aos make app@board
Change build target Change build target, including app and board
Clean Clean : aos make clean
Upload Upload firmware to device: aos upload app@board
Config Serial Monitor - -
Connect device Execute command: aos monitor
Install aos-cube Check Install aos-cube -
List Device List all the serial port -
Manage Account Manage aliyun account -
Probe Device - -
Technical Support Open dingtalk -
OTA(Developerment Over-The-Air) developerment over-the-air -
Show welcome page show welcome page -

Keyboard Shortcut

AliOS Studio default keybinding:

key command description
shift+alt+b build
shift+alt+c alios-studio.clean clean
shift+alt+u alios-studio.upload upload

Use the following to embed a AliOS Studio shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings:

      "command": "",
      "key": "shift+alt+b"
      "command": "alios-studio.clean",
      "key": "shift+alt+c"
      "command": "alios-studio.upload",
      "key": "shift+alt+u"

Will display api-link when hover on AliOS Things APIs

To help developers to be familiar with AliOS Things APIs faster, AliOS Studio will display api-link when hover on AliOS Things APIs:

Convert TSL json file to C String file

Thing Specification Language (TSL) is a data model that digitizes a physical entity and constructs the entity data model in IoT Platform. AliOS Studio offer an efficient way to convert TSL json file to C file. right-click json file, and click Convert TSL json to C string to convert TSL json file to C file like this:

Configuration Files

There is 3 configuration files In AliOS Things source code:

  • launch.json - configure debugging options
  • settings.json - configure AliOS Studio options
  • tasks.json - tasks list including build, flash, serial tool, clean etc.

For AliOS-Things 2.1.0, there is an symbol database named .TAGS.AOS.DB.


AliOS Studio using vscode-cpptools to debug AliOS Things, which you can configure debug options in launch.json. refer to vscode-cpptools/ for more launch.json configure options.

AliOS Studio will update launch.json every time when you change build target.

launch.json mainly options:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "program": "${workspaceRoot}/out/helloworld@cy8ckit-149/binary/helloworld@cy8ckit-149.elf",
            "miDebuggerServerAddress": "localhost:4242",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "text": "target remote localhost:4242"
            "osx": {
                "miDebuggerPath": "arm-none-eabi-gdb"
            "linux": {
                "miDebuggerPath": "arm-none-eabi-gdb"
            "windows": {
                "miDebuggerPath": "arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe"

Mainly Options

option description
program ELF file to debug, like out/app@board/binary/app@board.elf
miDebuggerServerAddress and setupCommands GDB connect port, Different gdb servers use different ports
miDebuggerPath The path to the debugger (such as gdb)


AliOS Studio will update settings.json automatically. but you can modify settings.json by yourself.

    "aliosStudio.inner.yosBin": "aos",
    "aliosStudio.hardware.board": "cy8ckit-149",
    "": "helloworld",
    "aliosStudio.aosVersion": "2.1.0",
    "C_Cpp.default.browse.databaseFilename": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/.TAGS.AOS.DB",
    "aliosStudio.iot.deviceName": "test_01",
    "aliosStudio.iot.productKey": "a1MZxOdcBnO"

This is settings.json in AliOS Things 2.1.0.


option description
yosBin -
hardware.board board of build target
aosVersion AliOS Things version
C_Cpp.default.browse.databaseFilename symbol database path
iot.deviceName deviceName for OTA(Developerment Over-The-Air)
iot.productKey productKey for OTA(Developerment Over-The-Air)


Official description about vscode task.json please refer to。options of task please refer to

AliOS Studio using tasks.json to do many works such as build, flash, clean.

tasks list

label description statusbar icons
alios-studio: Make build
alios-studio: Upload flash
alios-studio: Serial Monitor serial tool
alios-studio: Clean build
alios-studio: OTA OTA(Developerment Over-The-Air) -

You can add custom tasks by yourself in tasks.json, and run task by click menubar Terminal > Run Task...:

image | left

There are more tasks for AliOS Things in Appendix > Add Custom Tasks.


Add Custom Tasks

Custom Tasks - Export IAR/MDK project:

  "label": "alios-studio: Export IAR Project",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "aos",
  "args": [
  "presentation": {
    "focus": true

Custom Tasks - Parallel Build:

  "label": "alios-studio: Parallel Build",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "aos",
  "args": [
  "presentation": {
    "focus": true

Custom Tasks - Build For Debug:

  "label": "alios-studio: Build For Debug",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "aos",
  "args": [
  "presentation": {
    "focus": true


Visual Studio Code is unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace

This error only appears on linux

check Visual Studio Code is unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace

Workspace is too large to watch for file changes

same problem as Visual Studio Code is unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace

SyntaxError: .vscode\launch.json: Unexpected token / in JSON at position 4378

Don't add comments in .vscode/tasks.json or .vscode/launch.json.

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