Releases: alibaba/heterogeneity-aware-lowering-and-optimization
- Fixed a bug in multi-thread initialization.
- Fixed a bug in QManager initialization.
CMB Demo v0.2.4
- Update vODLA Adapter to avoid redundant file transformation.
This release contains the following major changes since v0.7.2:
- Enhance dynamic shape and dynamic batch support
- Support TF switch/merge control flow
- Support serialization of IR to protobuf format
- Improve fp16 support
- More ops support for Caffe, ONNX & Tensorflow
- More optimization on fusion and instruction simplification
- Bug fixes
- Add Cambrian MagicMind support
- Enhance ODLA/Popart support
- Upgrade ODLA/TRT to support cuda 11.4.2 / TensorRT 8.2.0
This release contains the following major changes since IPU_STABLE_SDK_2.3.1_v7
Add tid print in vODLA Adapter
Modified vODLA Adapter error message in odla_ExecuteComputation.
Reset the QManager status when create the new queue to fit potential error handling scenario.
Check the execution mode when do the async computation
Make all resources used in thread intialized before start the thread
debug core dump problem with vodla device reuse
Add e.what() in print when catch exception
- add tid print in vODLA Adapter odla_ExecuteComputation
- add dynamic shape
callback function definition changes, and handle the error raised by poplar SDK
Move computation init to odla_BindToArgument to avoid early call odla_CreteContext before compuation graph constructed in ASYN call
Fixed include sequence error when using makefile.
Modified typedef vodla_context to keep consistence with vodh_sdk, and fixed several bug for odla_context.
callback function definition changes, and handle the error raised by poplar SDK
Move computation init to odla_BindToArgument to avoid early call odla_CreteContext before compuation graph constructed in ASYN call
Add the mode string for pipeline_async
Add more debug information for async context
return the error by callback
Use pipeline_async to create context when execution mode is UNKNOWN
fixed a bug about adapter in debug mode
fix for wrong simplify_preprocess option
fix vODLA Adapter data reuse bug.
Implemented vODLA adapter in parallel setting.
Updated callback function and corresponding error handler.
callback function definition changes, and handle the error raised by poplar SDK
Move computation init to odla_BindToArgument to avoid early call odla_CreteContext before compuation graph constructed in ASYN call
Add information to check the cache sdk version and the working sdk version
Set the log level to info for test
Add environment variable for error injection test
format the code for lint check
Add information to show the ENGION OPTIONS set
Make it recompile when cache version mismatch
Remote the environment for error simulator to make it set by environment variable
Add error injector for temporarily test
Fix the problem when there's not the error injection config file
Move the error injector to the odla_CreateComputation to make sure it will be called for each inference request
Add try catch to computation create and init
make the error handling code at one place
Use config file setting for batch per step when it's inconsistent with ODLA set
set the log level when error injector used
pass the error code to caller
Make sdk version mismatch cache recompile when error injector set
Make the popart log level take POPART_LOG_LEVEL firstly
change format to pass lint
Co-authored-by: tianboh