Digi Basket is a clone of bigbasket.com. It is an online grocery shopping and supermarket that delivers personal and household needs to the customer's doorstep.
This was a collaborative project made by 5 members Executed in 5 days.
- Mohd Hasan Ali
- Md Yajul Ansari
- Abhinandan Kumar
- Shoaib Akhtar Sherani
- Raj
Original website link: https://www.bigbasket.com/
Link of our deployed project: https://digibasket.vercel.app/
- Next JS
- Redux Toolkit
- Chakra UI
- Mongo DB
- Express JS
- Node JS
- Home Page:- Navigation Bar, Footer.
- Admin Page :- Admin dashboard.
- Account Page:- User authentication using local storage.
- Product Page:- It has sorting & filtering functionality.
- Cart Page :- Dyanamic cart
- Product search
- Payment Integration with Stripe
- Username :- admin
- Password :- admin
/api/products => GIVES ALL DATA
/api/products/:id => GIVES SINGLE PRODUCT DETAIL
/api/products?category=fruits-vegitables => GIVES DATA WITH CATEGORY FRUITS & VEGITABLES
/api/products?category=fruits-vegitables&brand=fresho => GIVES DATA WITH CATEGORY FRUITS & VEGITABLESG AND BRAND FRESHO
/api/users/register => FOR REGISTERING NEW USER>
/api/users/login => FOR USER LOGIN