prod-202011-01 for MCs and AODs
New features:
- Use CONFIG_PROCESS directly to forward process (tune) to aligenmc
- Modifications for the simulations with triggers
- PYTHIA8 shoving configuration
- Modifications for the WDF (Add SetRevertexAllEvents for the WeakDecayFinder also for the Pb-Pb case, release V0 cuts for pp and p-Pb)
- New features in PWGHF configuration files (Make checks on ForceHadronicD ROOT5 compatible; add Omegac0 -> Omega^- pi^+; Pythia8 high mult config)
- New LF generator: Hijing_Nuclex_anti3H.C
- New LF generator: strangeness generator for pbpb 2018 cascades (with mc-to-mc embedding)
- Special configs for HF AOD filtering in Pb-Pb