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A3Gradle Plugin

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This plugin enables us (aaa) to facilitate our internal test and release workflows by having a common, shared build setup.


  • Git versioning To support CI / CD you can leave versionCode and versionName empty. It will use the amount of commits on the current branch as a version code and git describe for a uniquely identifiable version name.

  • BuildConfig.INTERNAL In addition to BuildConfig.DEBUG you can use INTERNAL for setup test data, add shortcuts, or include debug options. These should be features that you want during development, that should not end up in any users hands.

  • Build type preview This is a pre-release build type for testing. It should have the same setup as release, with the only difference that debugging is enabled. This lets you use BuildConfig.DEBUG for logging purposes and other low-key features, while you can use BuildConfig.INTERNAL for more intrusive debug features.

  • Shared debug key Projects will use a shared debug key with the path specified in your (global) This ensures the same signing configuration between developer machines.

  • Release key setup from properties To have a reusable CI setup the release key can be specified using releaseKeyStore_file, releaseKeyStore_password, releaseKeyStore_alias, and releaseKeyStore_keyPassword. These can be set as gradle properties or specified by environment variables, e.g. ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_releaseKeyStore_password.

  • neverBuildRelease This option for flavors lets you exclude a flavor from release builds, e.g. your development or staging environments.

    productFlavors {
      development {
        ext.neverBuildRelease = true
  • APK renaming We use a consistent naming for our artifacts:

  • AAB renaming We use a consistent naming for our artifacts:

  • Exclude some common conflict files while with packagingOptions and prevent lint errors to break the build.


  • have git installed and on your path
  • specify keyStore in your global with the path to a shared debug key