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Ingest external feeds and other data sources into WordPress


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Feed Consumer

Contributors: srtfisher

Tags: alleyinteractive, feed-consumer, wordpress-plugin

Stable tag: 1.0.1

Requires at least: 5.9

Tested up to: 6.0

Requires PHP: 8.0

License: GPL v2 or later

Coding Standards Testing Suite

Ingest external feeds and other data sources into WordPress.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require alleyinteractive/feed-consumer


This plugin requires Fieldmanager to be installed and activated. It is also recommended to use Alley Logger as well but that is not required.


Activate the plugin in WordPress and you will see the new Feeds post type available for use:

Screenshot of feed post type

Feed Consumer is a plugin that allows you to ingest external feeds and other data sources into WordPress. It is built to be extensible and can be used to ingest data from any source that can be represented as a PHP array.

Creating a Feed

To create a feed, navigate to the Feeds post type and click Add New. You will see a form that allows you to configure the feed. The feed configuration includes the following fields:

  • Title: The name of the feed. This is used to identify the feed in the admin.
  • Processors: The processors to run on the feed. Processors are used to are classes that define the extractor, transformer, and loader to use for the feed. For more information, see Processors.

The selected processor will also display any settings for the processor's extractor, transformer, and loader.


Processors are the core of Feed Consumer. They define the extractor, transformer, and loader to use for the feed.

Out of the box, Feed Consumer includes the following processors:

  • JSON Processor: Extracts data from a JSON feed into WordPress posts.
  • RSS Processor: Extracts data from an RSS feed into WordPress posts.
  • XML Processor: Extracts data from an XML feed into WordPress posts.

Creating a Processor

add_filter( 'feed_consumer_processors', function ( array $processors ) {
	$processors[] = My_Plugin\Processor::class;

	return $processors;
} );


Extractors will take extract data from a remote source and return it as data to be passed to a transformer. Out of the box, Feed Consumer includes JSON, XML, and RSS transformers among others that can be used to extract data from a variety of sources. You can also create your own extractor by implementing the Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Extractor interface.


Transformers will take extracted data and transform it into a format that can be loaded into WordPress. Out of the box, Feed Consumer includes a Post_Loader that will take transformed data and load it into WordPress as posts. You can also create your own transformer by implementing the Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Transformer interface.


Loaders will take transformed data and load it where configured. Out of the box, the Post_Loader will be the most common loader used to take transformed data and load it into WordPress as posts.

You can also create your own loader by implementing the Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Loader interface.

Post Loader

The post loader will take transformed data and load it into WordPress. It will also transform the content into Gutenberg blocks by default via wp-block-converter.


Byline Manager

The plugin includes an integration with Byline Manager to automatically set the byline for a post based on the feed item's author. Once the Byline Manager plugin is enabled, the settings fields will appear on the feed to set the default byline and to optionally use the feed item's author as the byline.



Fires when a feed has completed running. The feed ID, loaded data, and processor class are passed to the hook.

add_action( 'feed_consumer_run_complete', function ( int $feed_id, $loaded_data, string $processor ) {
	// Do something.
}, 10, 3 );


Fires when an extractor encounters an error. The extractor response and extractor class are passed to the hook.

add_action( 'feed_consumer_extractor_error', function ( $response, \Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Extractor $extractor ) {
	// Do something.
}, 10, 2 );


Fires when a feed is about to be fetched.

use Mantle\Http_Client\Pending_Request;
use Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Processor;

add_action( 'feed_consumer_pre_feed_fetch', function ( Pending_Request $request, Processor $processor, array $settings ) {
	// Do something.
}, 10, 3 );


Fires when a feed has been fetched.

use Mantle\Http_Client\Response;
use Feed_Consumer\Contracts\Processor;

add_action( 'feed_consumer_feed_fetch', function ( Response $response, Processor $processor, array $settings ) {
	// Do something.
}, 10, 3 );


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


This project is actively maintained by Alley Interactive. Like what you see? Come work with us.


The GNU General Public License (GPL) license. Please see License File for more information.