- I am a Software Engineer Based In Morocco, a true believer in maintainability, scalability, and security
- I’m interested in BackEnd Engineering, DataStructures, Proxies, Package Managers, and Project Management.
- I Believe in three Things Security standards, Tests, and Data-Driven Vision.
- I’m currently a NodeJS/NestJS && Go/Gin Developer.
- I’m looking to Build a solid knowledge of Software and a Deeper Vison of how Things Really Works Under The Hood.
- You Can Contact me through my LinkedIn, Twitter, or Gmail.
- You Can Follow me on my primary Blog on Medium : My Primary Blog On Medium
- You Can Follow me on my second Blog on Medium : My Second Blog On Medium
- You Can Contact me On Linked: My Account On LinkedIn
Software Engineering is a process. I think this is the most important thing that I learned until this moment. Building software is a complex process that needs a lot of thinking and design. without the right system design, you are going to lose time of business focus.
For me, I believe that software engineering is just a way of improving other domains. great software engineers are those who use IT to improve other domains "DDD" and make other people's lives easier. But the Real Software Engineers are those who improve the IT world By Defining a new way of thinking. because they love Computers instead of money those People who have a high abstract vision. I am a Boy in the middle of this way
I believe as Jordan Peterson used to say that writing is a high-level skill that pushes you to think more. picking the right words and the right description is not an easy thing.
- Philosophy of system design.
- Hacking the art of exposition.
- Clean Code.
- Complete Code, Second Edition.
- RabbitMQ.
- Kafka.
- Redis.
- MongoDB.
- PostgreSQL/MySQL.
- Neo4J.
- NodeJS/NestJS.
- Go/Gin.
- ReactJS/ React-Native.
- Python/Flask.
- Saga.
- Shared DataBase.
- DataBase Per Service.
- Recommendation Engines Algorithms.
- Task Dispatching.
- Bloom filter
- B-Trees
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Kalman Filter