#FlowContrast contains the source files for CUDA-based fluid flow calculation with fractional step lattice Boltzmann methods. Initial idea: Sharpening/increasing "flow contrast" of fluid flow with reverse diffusion to capture turbulent structures
This is a demo showing the fluid flow in a pipe (see documentation/paper file: MethodDoc_withFSLBMpaper.pdf).
Running the program:
use MATLAB or Octave to execute pipe.m which generates the domain and input files for the calculations.
Build FSLBM.cu into an executable with your CUDA compiler
run the executable
use the rest of the .m files to visualize the flow
If you run the demo with a changed domain size you will have to change also the size values in the code (.m and .cu files)
If you change the domain geometry you either need to implement new boundary conditions or change the periodic ones to fit.
next benchmark to follow: Taylor-Green vortex