This repository contains the beta-stage publishing component of
You will need to install the following for development.
- rbenv or similar to manage ruby versions
- bundler to manage gems
- elasticsearch search engine
- postgresql database
Most of these can be installed with Homebrew on a Mac.
## PostgreSQL
brew install postgresql
## Redis
brew install redis
## Elasticsearch
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8
brew install elasticsearch
brew services start postgresql
brew services start elasticsearch
brew services start redis
Configure the base URL of your local CKAN in ./config/environments/development.rb:
config.ckan_v26_base_url = "http://localhost:4000"
rails s
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000
These need to be run to sync data from CKAN.
Set up the workers, these sync organisation data and their datasets:
bin/rails runner
bin/rails runner
Then run Sidekiq to process the queue:
bundle exec sidekiq
When you create new organisations and datasets in Publish, you will have to run these commands again to trigger the sync. These should then appear in Find.
To completely clear the database:
bin/rails db:drop db:setup
To re-index Elasticsearch based on the current database contents, run:
bin/rails search:reindex
If you need to run commands on Staging or Production PaaS you will need to run this command first -
Further information can be found here -
This may be necessary if you're having issues trying to completely reset your CKAN stack and start over with no data. See the next section below as an example.
$ redis-cli flushall
Check the database size is 0:
$ redis-cli> dbsize
(integer) 0
When running this sidekiq job it returns errors in the terminal such as:
404 Not Found excluded from capture: DSN not set
{"@timestamp":"2019-06-06T10:03:58Z","@fields":{"pid":43034,"tid":"TID-oxw3pfczg","context":" CKAN::V26::PackageImportWorker JID-3b2dff4c5d230d1d27cc5bea","program_name":null,"worker":"CKAN::V26::PackageImportWorker"},"@type":"sidekiq","@status":"fail","@severity":"INFO","@run_time":0.545,"@message":"fail: 0.545 sec"}
- Ensure you have the correct config settings - see Update config settings
- Try to flush redis
- You will also need to purge SOLR via CKAN
- Clear the Publish database
- Then re-run sidekiq jobs - see Run sidekiq jobs
See the developer documents here:
See here for all of our Architecture Decision Records.