Licence finder provides the pages that follow (which is served by frontend
), specifically starting at
To get set up with Licence Finder, first make sure you're up to date with puppet.
Load the data into MongoDB
bundle exec rake data_import:all
Load the data into Elasticsearch
bundle exec rake search:index
Migrating your Licence data to use gds_id instead of correlation_id (This happens automatically on importing licences)
bundle exec rake licence_migrate
Using bowler on the VM from cd /var/govuk/development/:
bowl licencefinder
If you are using the GDS development virtual machine then the application will be available on the host at
Licence Finder can be run against the live Content Store and Search API, however it needs local instances of Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
You can use docker to create these:
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --name licence-finder-elasticsearch
docker run -d -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 --name licence-finder-mongodb mongo:latest
Import the data and start the application:
export ELASTICSEARCH_URI='http://localhost:9200/'
export MONGODB_URI='mongodb://localhost/'
bundle exec rake data_import:all
bundle exec rake search:index
./ --live
The application will be available at http://localhost:3014
bundle exec rake publishing_api:publish
will send the licence finder pages to the publishing-api.