Simple standalone Python implementation of Local Unitarity for demonstration/pedagogicl purposes only.
In particular this should serve as a basis for investigating applicability of Local Unitarity to pQFT at finite temperature and finite chemical potential.
More detailed usage instructions may be given at a later stage, but for now, we limit ourselves to suggesting to run the following help command:
python3 --help
usage: Triangler [-h] [--verbosity {debug,info,critical}] [--parameterisation {cartesian,spherical}] [--improved_ltd] [--integrand_implementation {python,rust}] [--multi_channeling] [--phase {real,imag}] [--delta DELTA] [--sigma SIGMA] [--m_1 M_1]
[--m_2 M_2] [--mu_r MU_R] [--m_uv M_UV] [-p P P P P] [-q Q Q Q Q] [--topology {triangle,bubble}] [--epsilon_expansion_term {0,-1,2}]
{inspect,integrate,plot,analytical_result} ...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbosity {debug,info,critical}, -v {debug,info,critical}
Set verbosity level
--parameterisation {cartesian,spherical}, -param {cartesian,spherical}
Parameterisation to employ.
--improved_ltd Use improved LTD expression which does not suffer from numerical instabilities.
--integrand_implementation {python,rust}, -ii {python,rust}
Integrand implementation selected. Default = python
--multi_channeling, -mc
Consider a multi-channeled integrand.
--phase {real,imag} Phase to compute. Default = real GeV
--delta DELTA Delta. Default = 0.5 GeV
--sigma SIGMA Dimensionless sigma for H-function. Default = 1.0
--m_1 M_1 First mass. Default = 0.01 GeV
--m_2 M_2 Second mass. Default = 0.02 GeV
--mu_r MU_R Renormalization scale. Default = 0.01 GeV
--m_uv M_UV UV regularisation mass scale. Default = 0.01 GeV
-p P P P P First external. Default = [0.005, 0.0, 0.0, 0.005] GeV
-q Q Q Q Q Second external. Default = [0.005, 0.0, 0.0, -0.005] GeV
--topology {triangle,bubble}, -topology {triangle,bubble}
Selected topology. Default = bubble
--epsilon_expansion_term {0,-1,2}, -eps {0,-1,2}
Selected coefficient of the d-dimensional epsilon expansion to consider. Default = 0
Various commands available
inspect Inspect evaluation of a sample point of the integration space.
integrate Integrate the loop amplitude.
plot Plot the integrand.
analytical_result Evaluate the analytical result for the amplitude.
And running the following benchmark integrations can validate the installation:
- a) Integration of a simple finite triangle scalar integral (with not threshold nor UV or IR divergences):
python3 -t triangle -p 0.5 0 0 0.5 -q 0.5 0 0 -0.5 --m_1 1.0 --m_2 5.0 --improved_ltd integrate --integrator naive --points_per_iteration 100000
| > Max weight encountered = 5.18115e-04 at xs = [1.8233746758977010e-01 3.0375392620277664e-03 8.1484303838971506e-01]
| > Central value : +1.2731465667017113e-04 +/- 1.45e-07 (0.114%)
| > vs target : +1.2707591731146093e-04 Δ = +2.39e-07 (0.188% = 1.64σ)
- b) Integration of a two-point bubble scalar integral with threshold and UV divergences (and no IR divergences as we require
$p^2 \ne 0$ ):
python3 -t bubble -p 1 0 0 0 --m_uv 0.5 --m_1 0.4 --m_2 0.1 --phase real --improved_ltd integrate --integrator vegas --points_per_iteration 10000
INFO <module> l.272 t=2023-12-21,01:13:40.284 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO <module> l.273 t=2023-12-21,01:13:40.284 > Integration with settings below completed in 4.02s:
| verbosity : 'info'
| parameterisation : 'spherical'
| improved_ltd : True
| integrand_implementation : 'python'
| multi_channeling : False
| phase : 'real'
| delta : 0.5
| sigma : 1.0
| m_1 : 0.4
| m_2 : 0.1
| mu_r : 0.01
| m_uv : 0.5
| p : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
| q : [0.005, 0.0, 0.0, -0.005]
| topology : 'bubble'
| epsilon_expansion_term : 0
| command : 'integrate'
| n_iterations : 10
| points_per_iteration : 10000
| integrator : 'vegas'
| n_cores : 1
| seed : None
| > Integration result after 186726 evaluations in 3.97 CPU-s (21.3 µs / eval)
| > Max weight encountered = -1.66154e-01 at xs = [5.0000000000000033e-01 5.0000000000000033e-01 5.0000000000000033e-01]
| > Central value : -4.2449519793325646e-02 +/- 1.80e-05 (-0.042%)
| > vs target : -4.2445835040643413e-02 Δ = -3.68e-06 (0.009% = 0.20σ)
INFO <module> l.276 t=2023-12-21,01:13:40.284 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------