Stores images to MongoDB utilizing multer. This solution is easy to extend to uploading multiple files at once. Todo: 1. gridFS for bigger than 16Mb pics. 2. elegant navigation for overflowed images. For example, using react-spring transition (no white scroll bars!)
npm package manager and mongodb uri
/img-gallery-with-upload/server>npm install
/img-gallery-with-upload/client>npm install
create .env
file with content:
option A usage in production mode: build and run
/img-gallery-with-upload/client>npm run build
/img-gallery-with-upload/client>cp -r build ../server
/img-gallery-with-upload/server>npm start
and open http://localhost:8000/ in browser. Now folder ./server has all what you need to deploy this on a live system
option B usage in development mode:
/img-gallery-with-upload/server>npm run dev
/img-gallery-with-upload/client>npm run dev