How? With a tagging function.
A minimal usage example:
local tag = dofile'tag.lua'
local a_rectangle = tag('rectangle', { width = 10, height = 20 })
local switch = {
rectangle = function(s) return print('Got a rectangle shape with the width of ' .. s.width) end,
-- An optional default case.
[false] = function() return print('Shape type is not known') end,
-- Will print "Got a rectangle shape with the width of 10".
For a more thorough example, see example.lua.
Tags are implemented by setting the __call
metamethod on a table. The implementation (tag.lua) is so small, I'll just show it here in full:
return function(tag, value)
setmetatable(value, {
__call = function(value, switch)
local case = switch[tag]
if case then return case(value) end
local default = switch[false]
if default then return default() end
error('no match for tag ' .. tag)
return value
The license used for this project is MIT.