- Install dependencies:
pnpm i
- Run database locally with Docker:
docker compose up -d
This command should be executed in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml file
- Generate and run migrations:
pnpm run prisma:gen && pnpm run prisma:mig
Visualize Data with Prisma Studio:
npx prisma studio
Will Pop a tab on your navigator in http://localhost:5555 providing you with a basic database ide
Init server command:
pnpm run dev
You should now see a message like: "App listening on port 5000"
Visit http://localhost:5000/api-docs/
Tests powered by jest and Prisma-jest plugin
Run all tests:
pnpm run test
Run all tests with coverage:
pnpm run test:cov
For coverage UI, open this file in your browser: coverage\lcov-report\index.html