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Express Game Store Server

Back-end for Game Store project, consists of admin pages and API for front-end needs.

Admin can performs:

  • Login & logout (session based).
  • View dashboard, players, and transaction history.
  • CRUD category, nominal, voucher, bank, payment method.
  • Upload & preview image.
  • Activate or deactivate voucher.
  • Activate or deactivate payment method.
  • Reject or confirm payments.

API: API Documentation (Postman)

Deployed on Render: Express Game Store

Front-end: Next Game Store



  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • MongoDB


  • Clone this repository:
git clone
  • Go inside the directory:
cd express-gamestore-server
  • Install dependencies:
npm install
  • Add .env.local and setup the local environment variables (for development):
cp .env.example .env.local
  • Run (development):
# using nodemon
npm run dev


  • Test account:
# first, import config/json/users.json to users collection in database (I use MongoDB Compass)

# login with this credentials:
password: rahasia
  • Dummy data:

    Import each json file from config/json/<collection-name>.json to each collection in database (I use MongoDB Compass).

  • Install globally (first time only):
npm i -g express-generator
  • View help:
express -h
  • Generate express app:
express <app-name>

# with view engine
express --view=<view-engine> <app-name>

# example
express --view=ejs my-app
  • Install dependencies:
npm install
  • Copy .env.example to .env and setup the environment variable:
cp .env.example .env

# default .env setup
  • Run:
# open in localhost:3000 by default
npm run dev # development with .env.local


npm run prod # production with .env
  • Check version: mongo --nodb

  • Get inside mongo: mongo --quiet

  • Show databases: show dbs;

  • Show current db (by default will use test db): db

  • Create database: use <dbname>;

  • Show all collections: show collections;

  • insert one object into a collection:

# insert into 'users' collection
db.users.insertOne({ name: 'Alvin', age: 20, role: 'admin' });
  • insert many objects:
# insert into 'users' collection
 { name: 'Martin', age: 20, role: 'member' },
 { name: 'Veiros', age: 15, role: 'admin' }
  • get all collection objects:
# get all data from 'users' collection

# or for better readability
  • get collection data with condition:
db.collection.find({ field: 'value' });

# example, show only admin in 'users' collection
db.users.find({ status: 'admin' });
  • get single data by object id:
db.<collection>.find({ _id: ObjectId(<object-id>) });
  • get single object and only show certain field:
db.<collection>.find({ _id: ObjectId(<object-id>) }, { field });

# example, show object-id and name only
db.users.find({ _id: ObjectId(<object-id>) }, {
 name: true,
  • sort collection objects:
# ascending
db.collection.find().sort({ fieldName: 1 });
db.users.find().sort({ age: 1 });

db.collection.find().sort({ fieldName: -1 });
db.users.find().sort({ age: -1 });
  • limit:

# example limit only 2 first objects in 'users' collection
db.users.find().sort({ age: 1 }).limit(2);
  • find one:
db.<collection>.findOne({ name: 'value' });

# example
db.users.findOne({ name: 'alvin' });
  • get objects count:

# example
  • update one:
 { field: 'value' },
 { $set: { field: 'value' } }

# example
 { _id: ObjectId(<object-id>) },
 { $set: { name: 'alvin martin' } }
  • delete one:
db.collection.deleteOne({ field: 'value' });

# example
db.users.deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId(<object-id>) });

MongoDB Atlas Setup

  • Login to MongoDB

  • Create new project (choose free tier)

  • Create database access (user who can read & write)

  • Create network access (from anywhere)

  • After database created, click Connect to Cluster > Connect your application

  • Copy the connection string url, which looks like this: mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster-url>/<dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority and edit the username, password, and dbname

  • Paste the url to .env for MONGO_URL

  • Paste the url to MongoDB Compass, then create database (db name & collections)

  • Import json file in config/json to each collection.

Heroku Setup

  • Login to Heroku

  • Create new app

  • Go to Settings and setup the config vars with variables from .env

  • Choose deployment method Heroku Git (or GitHub)

  • Using Heroku Git, run heroku login from root dir

  • Run heroku git:remote -a <app-name> and check with git remote -v

  • Push to heroku with git push heroku main (run this to deploy every changes to Heroku)


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